View Full Version : Gotta return the tool! (Stealth Gloat??)

Jim Johnson
09-10-2004, 8:36 PM
Wife tagged along to KC to pickup a PC sawsall and a Delta air cleaner that Jack Diemer had for sale. Picked them up on Saturday afternoon. Stopped by Woodcraft and picked up a few items (tables for dewalt 735 planer, chisel sharpening guide, misc). Got home and realized that the chisel guide has to go back since I will not need it. SWMBO saw me drooling over a Tormek master outfit and let it follow us home. Gotta love her!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Michael Stafford
09-10-2004, 8:40 PM
My wife will buy wood for me but refuses to go anywhere near tool stores. She thinks too many pets follow me home already.

John Miliunas
09-10-2004, 11:46 PM
Wife tagged along to KC to pickup a PC sawsall and a Delta air cleaner that Jack Diemer had for sale. Picked them up on Saturday afternoon. Stopped by Woodcraft and picked up a few items (tables for dewalt 735 planer, chisel sharpening guide, misc). Got home and realized that the chisel guide has to go back since I will not need it. SWMBO saw me drooling over a Tormek master outfit and let it follow us home. Gotta love her!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Good grief! That's like going to buy a blade and getting the whole saw with it! :eek: Yup, gotta' love her, that's for certain! :) Congrats! I don't have one, but have heard much, much good about it! Enjoy. :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
09-10-2004, 11:57 PM
Jim......you're one lucky guy! A good tool and a good woman who looks after you! Congrats on both! PS.....Chris... Tyler........NO PIC GLOAT.....you guys are slipping!

Steve Clardy
09-11-2004, 10:53 AM
Oh Oh. I can see the pic patrol coming!!:eek:

BTW. Salina. Nice town. Do you know the Radford's there?
They have a lake home here in Missouri. I did there kitchen cabinets for them.

Jim Becker
09-11-2004, 12:27 PM
Ah...this is the second post in a week about an "understanding spouse"...hopefully, it will be an epidemic!! (Contrats on the new tools!)

Jerry Todd
09-11-2004, 12:35 PM
If I were in your shoes I would take her out for dinner tonight. Great to have an understanding wife.

Jack Diemer
09-11-2004, 12:40 PM

I could tell that your wife not only supported your hobby, but participated in it.

That's great. By the way, the Overland Park economy thanks you for your visit, and welcomes you to come back soon!!!

Kurt Aebi
09-11-2004, 11:02 PM
Where's the PIC's --- Where's the PIC's.

We gotta have PIC's. Congrat's and thr Gloat will be offivial when we see the PIC's!

Oh Yea, did I mention.......Where's the PIC's??????????????

Jim Johnson
09-12-2004, 4:26 PM
Pic police??? Well I sure don't want to run afoul of them!

Jim Johnson
09-12-2004, 4:39 PM
Well that didn't work. I'll try again.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-12-2004, 11:24 PM
Tyler......Chris.......Call off the Pic Patrol! :rolleyes: Gloat Jim! :D

Jim Johnson
09-13-2004, 7:07 PM
Boy! That was close....

Kelly C. Hanna
09-13-2004, 7:14 PM
Another great wife!! Congrats!!