View Full Version : Creek Waders Weekend Accomplishments..

Dennis Peacock
03-24-2003, 2:54 AM
Well...another weekend has come and gone.

I went to Terry Hatfield's house this weekend (Saturday) and worked with him on putting together the blower unit for my cyclone. All I can say is <B>WOW!!!!!</b> This thing leaves my 2hp 2 bag collector in the "dust" for sure!!! With my 2 bag unit running at about 400 cfm the upgrade will be WONDERFUL!! Going from 400 cfm (real number) to a whopping 1478 cfm on the cyclone.......I may have to add weights to my boards as I cut them on the TS... :)

The In-Laws are visiting us this week so I may not get much else done.

Other than working with Terry and travelling over 300 miles this weekend....that is about all I got done.

Best of Weeks,

Dr. Zack Jennings
03-24-2003, 8:02 AM
My Cabinet has Finish on it....
I have the doors finished. I will be a final's judge at the Arkansas State BBQ Championships this weekend, so... no shop time. I want to let the finish cure on my cabinet and will wax it. In 2 weeks We will attach it to the wall and install door hardware. I have started sanding boards for another identical cabinet to sit next to this one.
My Moistec Moisture Meter
I purchased this after seeing it reviewed in the current issue of FWW Magazine. This thing is tiny, about the size of a penny match box. This old reclaimed pine board has been in the shop for a long time. It reads 12%, same as most of the red oak in my shop. The Cypress in the shop reads 8.9%.
I unstacked some stickered red oak in the shop. The top 4 or 5 layers were under 10% but deeper in the pile readings rose to 14% so I left those layers stickered and put a fan on them.
...I also unscrewed 2 purlins on the shop roof and shimmed from the inside to get the roof flat. It wasn't framed right for an overhang. The roof had a swoop at the bottom. The top nailer on the outside wall is @ 1" high. A 3/4" shim on the bottom purlin and 1/2" on the next one up got the sheet metel tighter. Hopefully it will not leak. Still have to do the other side. The purlins are 50 feet long.
.... My burn piles didn't burn up completely and We closed up some walls. It was a sucessful day & I have a clean shop.

Pete Harbin
03-24-2003, 8:13 AM
We made the annual trip to LOML's sister's place in Denver for my nephew's 8th birthday. The trip actually went pretty well despite all the weather.

No woodworking, but I did pick up a nice piece of ambrosia maple and a piece of curly maple. I know what I'll be doing next weekend!


Tom Sweeney
03-24-2003, 9:46 AM
I actually did a lot of the stuff I planned on for the first time in a while. :)

Saturday was a bit of a washout as I had a lot of errands to run on top of working at a fundraiser dinner.

Sunday I did a lot of major re-arranging in the 2 car garage that I am setting up as a a shop. I was able to go from about 1/3 of 1/2 of the garage for woodworking - to basically half of it :cool:

I'll still have to roll out my lawn mower, tractor & tractor cart but that's no big deal. Plus I hope to get a shed moved to my house this summer, then I can store that & a bunch of other stuff in the shed &have even a little more room.

I think I'll start figuring out running the electric over the next few weeks. Right now I only have 2 outlets on 1 circuit hooked up.

No woodworking but I can actually move around in the shop now so between that & the warmer weather I should be able to get back to making some boxes & stuff. :D

Have a Great Week!

Glenn Clabo
03-24-2003, 10:02 AM
Didn't get into the shop for a minute. My job...supporting the guys in the submarine fleet...has taken over my life. With mixed emotions I'll report there have been many acomplishments.

keith zimmerman
03-24-2003, 10:07 AM
Let's see, I tore down my existing lumber rack and managed to get most of the new rack assembled and some wood on it; I designed and built components for a sheet goods storage rack; I began installing a new storm door on my garage.

For my new lumber rack, I wanted a design that was free-standing and fit into a specific space. The design I came up with has three 5' uprights, a 2'x8' shelf on the bottom for box and bucket storage, and two 20" "shelves". It is all 2x4 construction. I think it will work for me.

The sheet goods rack will be 4' tall, 6' long and has an inside width of 10".

I ran into a wierd problem when trying to install the door. I found the storm door was only 35 1/4" wide. The opening measured 36". I had to install a 1/2" strip in order for it to fit. I will install it later this week.

Dave Anderson NH
03-24-2003, 10:26 AM
I spent most of Saturday at the meeting of the Granite State Woodturners in the shop at Keene State College. When I got home from Keene the mailman had left a slip indicating they had tried to deliver my new Clark & Williams 55 degree coffinshaped smoother. Put the final coats of finish on the drawers of my new saw till. The picture is posted on the Neander Forum.

Sunday morning I got up and rubbed out and waxed the drawers for the saw till and hung it on the bench room wall. Filled it with the few handsaws I own and life was good. I started working on a design for a rack to hold my handplanes and finally got what I wanted after several concept drawings. As soon as I make up a cut list I can go get the lumber I need.

Not really the weekend, but on my way to work this morning I stopped at the post office and picked up my new C & W smoother. A few funny looks from folks at work when they saw it on my desk.

Jim Baker
03-24-2003, 12:59 PM
Fertilized the pasture.
Installed the display cabinets that we finished last week.
Installed and wired lights in them.
Played baseball with the kids.
Watched the Illini lose.
Helped my son put together his Boy Scout rocket.
Entertained guests Saturday Evening.
Went to church.
Played ball with the kids some more.
Worked on some raised panel doors.

Rob Russell
03-24-2003, 1:50 PM
Got machinery from the hatchway, through the basement into the workshop.
Got things off of the moving skids.
Reattached/connected wiring panel on the jointer/planer.
Cut steel plate and tack-welded to dolly to mobilize tool chest.
Worked on some general shop cleanup (miles to go, there).

John Miliunas
03-24-2003, 1:56 PM
Not a whole lot of "real" shop time, but related. Spent the bulk of Sat. with LOML at an auction. Caught some decent deals on some WW stuff. Spent much of Sun. cleaning what I had picked up Sat. Lumberyard run, clean shop a bit, visit from a friend, spend some time with #2 daughter. Not a bad wknd., all in all.:cool:

Ted Shrader
03-24-2003, 3:03 PM
I am encouraged by all you other folks who had zero or minimal progress in the shop. I was there only a few times to get sodas or barley pop out of the fridge.

W/E was a total washout shop-wise. However, today I did order beveled glass for the doors of the hutch and glass for the shelves.


Ron Taylor
03-24-2003, 5:08 PM
First the bad stuff... hurt my back putting a belt on the lawn mower. Well, actually hurt my back picking the D@#$mn thing up so's LOML could put jack stands under it. Didn't want to lay down to put the belt on.

Couldn't move Friday! Barely moved Saturday. Able to ride in the truck Sunday. Hurting but back in the office today.

Good stuff..... SOLD THE MOTORCYCLE!!!!!!!!!!! New toys on the way.

Rode with son and LOML out to George's place to pick up the newly sawn aromatic cedar. Got about 400 bf out of the one tree. Lots of good red heart wood for making blanket chests, etc. Delivered the sawn wood over to Burnett's for kiln drying.
Decided I wanted to get to making smelly sawdust too much to wait for air drying. Total cost, $60 for sawing, $125 for drying = $185. Tree was free, so I guess about $.46/bf. Is that a good deal?

Salvaged the weekend after all, even if I still act like grandpa when I get up. Hey, wait a minit.... I AM grandpa.. :rolleyes:

Bob Lasley
03-24-2003, 10:31 PM
a good weekend, nonetheless. As the weather was beautiful, SWMBO and I spent most of the weekend working in the garden and yard. Many of the perenials are already coming up and the mating toads in the fish pond are screaming their heads off. In fact, my wife wore ear plugs to bed tonight so she could get some sleep.

I did get the finish completed on the CD box and will post pics soon.

Highlight of the weekend was my daughter-in-law bringing by pictures of our new grandson who will be arriving in May. I was amazed at the quality of ultrasound pictures now days. I mean, you could tell the kid looks like his grandpa!! Poor kid.

Have a great week all,