View Full Version : Cabinet door software

Keith Webster
08-26-2009, 4:44 PM
I am going to start making my own doors now. I have searched for cabinet door software programs that will help you figure your cut list. Do any of you know of one you would recommend that is free or do I just need to pay for a good one?

Matt Tawes
08-26-2009, 4:52 PM

J.R. Rutter
08-26-2009, 5:14 PM
Why not spend an hour in Excel and do your own? The formulas are very basic. If you are exporting cutlists to a TigerStop or similar, it is more tedious, but for simple paper cutlists, it is pretty easy...

Keith Webster
08-26-2009, 5:17 PM
But that's too easy J.R. ;)

William M Johnson
08-26-2009, 5:47 PM
+1 for cabinet cruncher great program

John Gregory
08-26-2009, 5:49 PM

I have that one, easy to use and not too expensive.

Pat Stewart
08-26-2009, 7:32 PM
About 1/2 way down the page is Just Doors. It's an Excel spreadsheet with instructions and it's free. I'm


Pat Stewart
08-26-2009, 7:36 PM
An Excel spreadsheet that works pretty good and it's free. Experiment with a door of known sizes so you get the correct output (yes, I scrapped some wood by putting in the wrong groove depth).


Steve Clardy
08-27-2009, 1:17 PM

I have that one, easy to use and not too expensive.

I have that one and use it.
One grip, I don't like how it aligns and prints out the parts list.
It jumbles the parts up.
Does not keep them in order as you enter the doors.

Chip Lindley
08-27-2009, 3:48 PM
Microsoft Excel is a truly amazing program. In the late '90s I spent several months of my spare time perfecting a cabinet program which gives dimensions of all parts needed for raised panel doors, multi-panel doors, faceframes, cabinet carcases, drawer boxes and drawer fronts.

My "WoodChipz Cab\Calc" can also do frameless by plugging in a 3/4" wide faceframe. My lil pgm prints out lists for each upper and lower cabinet module. If material costs are plugged in, it can figure cost of hardwood in bf and allow for a percentage of waste. Sheet goods cost are figured by sq.ft. used.

Getting deep into Excel has a steep curve! But, it was an amazing experience for me! I consider my effort on Cab\Calc akin to NASA's Saturn rocket program. NASA progressed so far, so fast, that another Saturn could never be built now because all data was not pain-stakingly documented at the time.

OR, just plunk down your $Cash$ for a commercial cabinet program or suffer along with the limitations of the *freebies*.