View Full Version : need help finding a back issue

Jim W. White
08-25-2009, 7:28 PM

I recently found a picture of a completed pie safe that I'm really interested in building. Unfortuenately, I can't get a back copy of the issue from the publisher.... so I'm hoping one of you might be able to help me out. I'm looking for a copy of 1989 July/Aug (#4) Woodworker's Journal.

I'd be willing to buy the old issue from you if you no longer need it or I'd gladly work with a scanned copy of the article. Please send me a PM if you can help out.

Thanks in advance,

Jim in Idaho

I know this is a long shot, but I'm also confident that I'm not the only person that has never thrown out a copy of my wood working magazines!? :p

John Keeton
08-25-2009, 8:24 PM
Jim, I have it - what do you need?

Jim W. White
08-25-2009, 8:31 PM
That's awesome!

I only need the article on building the pie safe. ...could you scan the article to PDF for me? ...or would you consider selling me the issue ...or maybe the simplest might be a photocopy and drop it in snail-mail. I can cover your costs through Paypal if there are any.

Whatever works for you, I will take whatever your willing to help with.

Thanks John,


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