View Full Version : Jet midi lathe duplicator???

John Terefenko
08-24-2009, 10:33 PM
I have a jet 1220 midilathe. I have a project that requires matching spindles. I need 24. I am not a great turner so I do not have enough confidence in me being able to duplicate that many of the same spindles. They will be next to each other so comparisons will be easily detected.

My question is there a duplicator out there that is worthy and can be used with this lathe??? I know what you true turners are thinking but I am not at that point in my turning career. How accurate can a duplicator reproduce??? Thanks and please don't laugh at me. Thanks in advance for the replys.

Bill Blasic
08-25-2009, 6:43 AM
You under estimate yourself, give it a go. You will be surprised how quick you get up to speed in getting these spindles a match to your eye. Your eyes are not micrometers and close to the shape will always fool the eye. By the time you order up a duplicator and learn to use it only to find out that you could have got that close by eye you could have completed a couple hundred of these spindles. You have a chance for a great learning experience - go for it.

08-25-2009, 7:23 AM
+1 on what Bill said.


Steve Mawson
08-25-2009, 2:22 PM
I agree with Bill and Roy. You might be surprised at how good you get after 4-5 of the spindles. By the time you get to 24 you are really getting fast. It will take some time but it takes a lot of time to set up a copier as well. I have noticed when I made matching spindles that it is hard to tell they were done by hand. I could find the mistakes but would not be so easy for someone that is just looking. Give it a go and let us know how you are doing.

Kyle Iwamoto
08-25-2009, 2:37 PM
I agree. Give it a try. I don't do spindles anymore, but one trick I remember is to mark ALL of the spindles, on all 4 sides, where the features are. In that way, at least the features will all be about the same place. If they're off a little bit, no one but you will notice.

Oh, the answer to your question is that PSI has a duplicator that fits the 1014, it probably will work with the 1220 with a couple mods. I don't own one, but you could ask them if it would work.

This is a great learning place I don't think anyone would actually laugh at you. You won't be able to hear them anyways, so it don't matter..... :)

David Walser
08-25-2009, 2:47 PM

I don't have experience with these duplicators, but here are links to two from Penn State that might work:

One for the Jet 1220: http://www.pennstateind.com/store/CML-DUPRK.html?mybuyscid=3715208890

A higher quality one that might be adapted to the Jet 1220: http://www.pennstateind.com/store/VMIDUP24.html

Good luck!