View Full Version : Jointer Integrated Mobile Base Question

Mike Goetzke
08-24-2009, 5:40 PM
I have a Shop Fox W1745 6" closed stand jointer with integrated mobile base. I have had no issues with this jointer until yesterday. I mostly work with 4/4 stock but yesterday I was face jointing an 8/4 x 6 x 100 piece of white oak. The problem was the jointer wanted to move with me and the board. After closer inspection I noticed there are two steel casters under the outfeed side and a kick style swivel caster on the infeed side. When kicked down the infeed rests on two fixed feet. As you push the wood through the load tends to tip the jointer toward the outfeed side which lifts it off of the fixed feet allowing it to move.

Is it just me or does this seem to be designed backwards? Are other builtin jointer casters in this orientation?




Mike Sandman
08-24-2009, 11:36 PM
In the short time I've had it I haven't experienced the problem you report. It may be that the Grizzly's base is wider than the Shop Fox in your photo -- it's 27 wide, almost as long as the fence.

If the Shop Fox base is appreciably narrower, the design is indeed a problem, but it's hard to see an alternative. The wheels need to be on the sides of the base, not at the front & back. Otherwise you'd be moving the machine broadside around your shop.

You might want to simply block the wheels on the left side, or build an outriggger of some sort off the left side to add width and stabilize it when you push down on the outfeed table.

Or you could remove the integral wheels and buy a wider aftermarket mobile base. Doesn't Shop Fox make one? (Ouch!)

Craig Coney
08-24-2009, 11:50 PM
You could add some ballast to the bottom of the base for additional weight. If you could install a plate and throw in a couple of sand bags, that would help.

Generally, the problem you have described I have noticed with 6" jointers that don't have alot of weight, even w/o casters sitting on the floor.

You could try to wax your beds and fence, see if you get a reduction of friction.