View Full Version : Delta TS set-up

Bruce Moir
08-23-2009, 2:53 PM
I have searched the forum and have not been able to find the info I am looking for so any help pointing me in the right direction would help.

I have a new Delta hybrid tablesaw - no not the new US built one but the previous generation. Its not bad - a definate step up from my old contrator's saw! Was a little disappointed with some of the fit.

Anyway this is my first new TS so I am unsure of what to expect and how precise everything should be so here's my question. I noticed that the saw vibrates a bit as it shuts down also getting a bit of burning on some rips of hardwood so I decided to check blade alignment. Read up on what to do - purchased a dial guage a made a jig. I found that blade was out by 5 tenths from where I started to the other side. I loosened the trunions and tried tapping them over slightly and got the difference down to 3 tenths. Seems that is the best I can get. Also laid the blade down on the table to check if it was true and it is. Is this acceptable?

Thx. in advnace for any suggestions.

Jeff Willard
08-23-2009, 2:58 PM
Three tenths? Tenths!? :eek: You need to get it down to thousandths.

Bruce Moir
08-23-2009, 3:04 PM
I meant to write 1,000ths. Is 3/1,000ths okay? If so I'll check my fence alignment next.

Kyle Iwamoto
08-23-2009, 3:47 PM
I was going to say 5 tenths is a half inch! You should try to get your blade as close to zero as you can. Realize that variations in the blade thickness and straightness will affect your measurements, so move the blade around as you check.

The vibration on shutdown may be from the belt, USUALLY it's not a problem. All belts have a "set" in them and cause some vibration. Try a link belt, they're pricey, but makes your machine a LOT smoother running. When I had my contractors saw, I could not believe the saw was the same saw after changing the belt to a link belt. And buying a new pulley pair. And tightening the pulleys so they didn't rattle.....

glenn bradley
08-23-2009, 4:21 PM
You say you're tapping the trunnions so I am going to assume this is not a cabinet mounted trunnion hybrid? On contractor saws that use that system, PALs (http://www.ptreeusa.com/tablesaw_products.htm) are a life saver. I do not know if they fit the Delta hybrid or not. With Pals I got my old Emerson/Craftsman contractor within .001" without too much trouble. As you've already figured out, the burning and rough cuts are a sign of alignment issues.

James White
08-23-2009, 5:25 PM

If you are using good measuring technique and the saw is now within 3/1000's. Stop! That is plenty good. Now is your fence parallel as well? Also what blade are you using? How many teeth and how much mileage does it have on it? Last what kind of material are you ripping that is getting burn marks?


charly hedger
08-23-2009, 6:17 PM
Bruce...I can also vouch for the Saw Pals. They did make adjustments alot quicker. Could get mine (delta contractor unit) within .000 quickly.
But when I tightened the jamb nuts it would go back to .001 or more. I think they should've used a regular hex bolt and jamb nut and should've used steel for the adjustment brackets. But thats just me. When I set an adjustment I want it to stay!
Oh...same goes for the link belt..man what a difference that made!!
Don't want to bust your bubble but expect to spend some time fine tuning your new machine...it'll be worth it.

good luck!

Bruce Moir
08-24-2009, 9:57 PM
I assembled the saw a year ago as a complete rookie now have revisted my work and fine tuned things based on a little bit more experience and reading post here.

Much appreciate everyone's comments. I also adjusted the fence - its a Beismeyer so works well and easy to adjust. A couple of test cuts on soft wood went just fine.
