View Full Version : Repairng Masonite

George Bregar
08-20-2009, 8:36 AM
While replacing old knob and tube wiring, the electrician drilled many 4" holes in the walls and ceilings for wire pull access. No problem patching the plaster, but two of the holes are in a chase and drop ceiling that are made of masonite. Any idea on how to make a quality repair...these are in the front hallway so visually important.

Craig McCormick
08-20-2009, 9:28 AM
I have made repairs on travel trailers manufactured in the 1930's when they actually skinned the exteriors with Masonite. We use automotive body filler or Bondo. We have also used thickened epoxy on smaller holes.


David G Baker
08-20-2009, 9:42 AM
I agree with Craig. I have used body filler and Bondo to repair a lot of things, it seems to work quite well and it is quite workable.

George Bregar
08-20-2009, 11:07 AM
I was thinking Minwax high performance filler...which is a two part epoxy. Never used bondo, although I assume it's similar. I was thinking i would fit a backer into the hole, fasten it with drywall screws (too dusty for any adhesive) and then layer the filler into the hole.

Bill White
08-20-2009, 2:25 PM

Lee Schierer
08-20-2009, 2:58 PM
If the cut out pieces are still on hand, I would clean up the edges and put them back in the hole using a backer board and countersunk screws and then fill in any gaps with Bondo or joint compound, sand smooth and paint.

George Bregar
08-20-2009, 7:46 PM
Thanks all. The cutouts were not available so I cut 5" circles out of a scrap plywood I had, cut them in half, and used them as backers. Placed them above the cut out and secured them with drywall screws from below with my drywall gun. Took some scrap 1/8 ply and cut 4" circles and screwed them to the backer. This was about 1/16" inset from the ceiling. Used Quickset compound and feathered the edges. Sanded, primed and paint...can't see 'em. Woot.