View Full Version : 25HP Kellogg Air Compressor Gloat

Paul Sidbury
08-20-2009, 1:13 AM

I've never had a gloat before that I felt worthy enough to post on here. I've gotten some good deals on machinery but nothing that I thought wow. I almost had a gloat a few weeks back when I won this Blue M oven on ebay for $0.99 but the seller reneged. I'm still upset about that.

But a few days ago I won this auction for a 25HP Compressor without a tank for.. wait for it...$100. Ahhhh, I still can't believe I got this thing for $100. Maybe I should have waited until I had it in my possession to post this but I couldn't wait. I spoke with the seller and he's giving me two (yes two) compressor pumps. One is hooked up already and the second is a spare. Here's the auction.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320411521787&ru=http://shop.ebay.com:80/%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp4712.m38.l1313%26_nkw% 3D320411521787%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1#ht_500wt_1182

The other great thing about this is his shop is less than a mile away from my shop. The chances of that happening, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I'm still surprised no one else bid on this, he sold a 60HP screw compressor for $100 also, crazy. He had a vacuum forming business that he is moving and didn't need to take the compressor. He had like 500-1000 gallon tanks but he sold those when he sold the building.

Jamie Buxton
08-20-2009, 1:35 AM
What voltage does a 25 hp motor expect? And how much current does that monster draw?

Paul Sidbury
08-20-2009, 1:43 AM
25 Horsepower = 18.642 KW.

I have 3 phase in the shop so 90 amps @ 208V. But from what he said it usually ran around 60 amps. I have about 150 amps, so I'm good.

But your talking like 81 cfm at 175 psi, awesome.

Harlan Coverdale
08-20-2009, 7:26 AM
Wow. Let me be the first to say that really blows. :p That's some serious air. Great find, especially at that price.

Jamie Buxton
08-20-2009, 10:52 AM
What will you run with that much air? That's more than a couple spray guns and a sander or two.

Cliff Rohrabacher
08-20-2009, 12:02 PM
You do have three phase don't you?

That'll take a huge converter if you don't.

I have never been comfortable with the term "win" as it regards a Flea Bay auction.

Paul Sidbury
08-20-2009, 12:54 PM
Harlan - Thanks man!

Jamie - I work with plastics and compressed air should be the first concern when making a shop. I was looking for a 15 hp compressor but the 25 hp popped up. So I don't really need this big of a compressor but for the price, its more than justifies buying it. And I also do a little machining and air helps there also. Generally and within reason, the more air the better IMO. Strangely, the seller does plastic work also but he does vacuum forming which I don't.

Cliff -

25 Horsepower = 18.642 KW.

I have 3 phase in the shop so 90 amps @ 208V. But from what he said it usually ran around 60 amps. I have about 150 amps, so I'm good.

But your talking like 81 cfm at 175 psi, awesome.

Larry Lukens
08-24-2009, 5:25 PM
I've been amazed at the number of compressors that show up on craigslist. A few every month. I almost wish I didn't already have one...:)