View Full Version : Dice Markings

Keith Albertson
08-19-2009, 11:33 PM
Does anybody have any ideas on how to make the little round marks found on dice? I am making some wooden dice for a game and need ideas on how to drill the little marks that make the numbers on the dice. I don't have a small enough router bit, and I don't want parallel sides like I would get with a drill bit. Should I regrind a drill bit?

Just as difficult, any ideas on how to space out he marks. The dice will only be about 1 inch cubed. How do i make the marks evenly spaced while keeping all my fingers???

Thanks, any ideas are welcome.

James Stokes
08-20-2009, 12:27 AM
Couple different ways, let some one laser the dots or use a dremel tool with a small ball bit. You could also use a spring loaded nail set. That would probably give you enough indention then paint the dots with an artist paint brush.

Josiah Bartlett
08-21-2009, 2:13 PM
I would go with a small ball end mill (or the dremel equivalent) spun up to maximum speed in a drill press. I would clamp the die down to avoid problems of it walking.

Either that or just punch a divot into it with a punch. It depends on the type of wood if that works or not.

Sean Hughto
08-21-2009, 2:19 PM
The Dremel sized ball mill idea sounds like it would work fine, but here's an alternative:

Buy or make (using a dowel plate) thin dowels in a contrasting color from the body of the dice and then drill holes - glue in he dowels, and cut/sand them flush. Instead of divots, you'll have flush fases showing the pips (the word for the dots on a die).

Myk Rian
08-21-2009, 2:37 PM
Why drill them? Take a round tipped punch and a hammer to tap them in.

Chaz Alexopoulos
08-21-2009, 2:48 PM
The Dremel sized ball mill idea sounds like it would work fine, but here's an alternative:

Buy or make (using a dowel plate) thin dowels in a contrasting color from the body of the dice and then drill holes - glue in he dowels, and cut/sand them flush. Instead of divots, you'll have flush fases showing the pips (the word for the dots on a die).

Wow Sean that's a great idea. Even if he makes the indents on top of those, it would be cool. Now that's what I call a woodworkers' solution.

Greg Deakins
08-21-2009, 7:30 PM
I'd likely go with putting a ball tip from a dremel in the drill press chuck, and for holding the die blank, I would take some plywood, about a foot square, and cut the dimension of the die from the center. Place the blank in the square hole, (made with a jigsaw) and clamp the board to the table after lining it up. Set the depth gauge and you are good to go.

Keith Albertson
08-22-2009, 9:51 AM
Thanks for all the replies, guys.

I've tried the punch, but it breaks the wood fibers on side grain. I might try the dowels, but I don't have a dowel plate. However woodcraft is nearby, and I'm always looking for an excuse to go there!!!

I have a dremel tool but not the drill press attachment. I'll try the ball bit in my big drill press, using the alignement guide Greg recommended. When I get the project done, I"ll try to post some pics. Thanks again.