View Full Version : vinegar and metal, can you usedifferent metals?

curtis rosche
08-19-2009, 5:17 PM
i know for ebonizing you can use steelwool and vinegar to blacken wood. i mized some up, added a little DNA and then let a peice od locust soak for about 2 weeks. when i took it out and turned it, it has black and brown stearks through the white wood.
im wondering if other metals will have different effects. has anyone tried this before? i was thinking of trying copper. or would copper not do anything?

Scott Conners
08-19-2009, 10:12 PM
The blackening using the vinegar and steel wool technique comes from the tannins in the wood reacting with the iron in the solution. So using anything non ferrous would not have the same reaction. You may or may not get some type of color change, but I don't have the chemistry background to predict any. Test some scraps and see, nothing to lose.