View Full Version : Big cherry from a storm *gloat*

Matt Hutchinson
08-18-2009, 6:09 PM
I just scored a nice haul of cherry. There was a really bad storm just north of here. It actually has been rather serious for those who experienced it, as many homes and cars were completely crushed. There were some intense straight line winds that dropped hundreds of huge old trees, and clean-up has been going on for a week. There are still lines down, and the streets are lined with piles of brush and logs.

BUT....out of the bad came some nice cherry. The largest pictured is 19" diameter, and those were taken from above the wye!! If I have the time I will be going back this weekend to see if I can somehow retrieve the huge base section intact.


Steve Clardy
08-18-2009, 6:27 PM
Nice score!!

Pete Jordan
08-18-2009, 6:37 PM
Looks like you are going to have a ball!

Great score!

Ryan Baker
08-18-2009, 8:24 PM
Road trip! Need to go rent a bigger truck and head across state. :)

Leo Van Der Loo
08-18-2009, 8:30 PM
Nice haul Matt, but be careful with the heavy stuff, don't get hurt, but it sure looks like some real nice wood, you're going to be busy for a while :D

Steve Schlumpf
08-18-2009, 8:36 PM
Excellent gloat Matt! Love turning Cherry and you have some really nice stock there! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of it!

Bernie Weishapl
08-18-2009, 9:15 PM
Great haul Matt. There is some turning to be done there.

Tom Wilson66
08-18-2009, 10:02 PM
Congratulations on the score. Know what that town looks like, we had winds here in May between 80 and 100 mph for about a half hour. People in town are still getting roofs fixed and buildings rebuilt. Unfortunately, I don't have much storage space for wood, or I could have made some nice scores. Did get a little, mostly bradford pear. Tell your friend I wish them luck in getting recovered from the havoc.

Chris Rae
08-18-2009, 11:28 PM
Wow, what a haul! Congrats! I hope you're able to get some more, it looks like great stuff.

alex carey
08-19-2009, 12:31 AM
wow that is a nice score!

Dan Forman
08-19-2009, 6:13 AM
That ought to keep you out of trouble for a while! Congrats, looks like great stuff.


Jeff Nicol
08-19-2009, 8:48 AM
Matt, Very nice haul of cherry!! It will need to be attended to right away! It will start to check and crack like crazy even with a coat of anchor seal on the ends. If you plan to turn some big stuff out of the whole blocks I would really seal it up with a few coats or some thicker melted wax, or get roughing them out! The ones you plan on using for bowls get them split and sealed. No matter how hard I try to keep all the cherry I get perfect some always blows up if I don't get to it fast enough and get it prepared and sealed well.

I am jealous, but not by how you came to get the wood. I hope everyone is O.K. and storms can be real scary!

God luck,


Brian Novotny
08-19-2009, 10:36 PM
nice score, free wood is always good wood......but is cherry a prized turning wood??? on the west coast nobody seems to go out of their way to turn cherry......do people stain it? Does it normally have nice figure or burl?.......just asking because someone cut down all of the cherry trees in california.

Matt Hutchinson
08-19-2009, 10:53 PM
Well, I definitely plan on making some serious shavings. In fact, I have to. I have so much wood accumulated here that I hardly have any more room!! I still have big walnut, big maple, big hickory, some ash, and I live in a city neighborhood!!

As for cherry in CA, I wonder if it's more a factor of climate and region than over harvesting. Cuz here in MI we've been logging for forever, and we're still going strong.


P.S. I already roughed out a small bowl. Of coarse, I soaked my shirt with the flying water, but the crotch piece I was working looks awesome!

Brian Novotny
08-19-2009, 10:56 PM
now, walnut is one of my personal favs....still, nice score.