View Full Version : Spoons! Yes, more spoons...

Mike Minto
08-17-2009, 5:37 PM
I'm posting pics here because I turn the handles. and also in the carver's forum because I hand-tool the rest of the utensils. In the second pic, from top to bottom, they are 'crabapple', 'walnut', 'crabapple', and 'tiger maple'; comments and critiques always welcome! mike

Harvey Ghesser
08-17-2009, 7:31 PM
Nice job, Mike!

Bernie Weishapl
08-17-2009, 9:46 PM
Great job Mike. Really nice spoons.

Wayne Leach
08-17-2009, 9:56 PM
Nice work on the spoons Mike, will have to try them one of these days.

Richard Madison
08-17-2009, 11:53 PM
No fair, being able to turn and carve. Some of us can't keep up. Nice work Mike.

Martin Shupe
08-18-2009, 1:47 AM
OK, I am a beginning turner, with only a Jet mini to work on.

I am very interested in trying to make a spoon like this.

Can you describe how you do it?

I assume you put a flat piece of wood in the lathe to turn the handle, then cut the shape with a bandsaw and then carve, correct?

How do you hold the piece in the lathe while you turn the handle?

Thanks in advance,

Mike Minto
08-18-2009, 6:15 AM
martin - only a Jet mini? they are great lathes, man, don't sell it short. anyway, yes, i just take a flat piece of wood, roughly shape with a broad end for the spoon's bowl, and a narrow end for the handle. i then mount it between centers, and turn it as smooth and in the shape of a spoon as i can. i then take it, carve the spoon's bowl with a bent carving knife (North Bay Forge). then i cut the ends smooth where it was mounted on the lathe, sand to 220 and finish with a food safe finish. hope that helps, mike

Martin Shupe
08-18-2009, 8:04 PM
Yes, thanks for the information.