View Full Version : New Thompson Tools, Shopmade Handles!

Mike Minto
08-17-2009, 5:32 PM
Doug sure is a nice guy, and makes killer turning tools, to boot. Ordered his largest skew (the mass is really nice for a relative 'skew-noob' like me - and his 'rouge grind' is pretty damn sharp), and his smallest spindle gouge. Regarding his description of how one side of the skew is "rolled", I didn't understand until I saw the blade. Much better, IMO, than a skew with an entirely oval profile. One edge is rounded, if you will, and the other, on the long point, is square. Fast shipping, and a returned call from him after I left him a message to make sure they were still in stock. Doug likes to laugh! Skew handle is walnut (2 laminated boards), and the gouge is sapele (scrap I had on hand). Get some! Mike

Chris Stolicky
08-17-2009, 9:17 PM
Congrats on the purchase. Isn't it rewarding making your own handles?

They are great tools. I just wish I could afford more. I already have severl bowl and spindle gouges. I'll likely gather a few more over time.

I never understood the rolled side of the skew until I saw your pic. Thanks.

Steve Kubien
08-17-2009, 9:20 PM
Amen on the Thompson tools. I am up to 3 different bowl gouges, 2 spindle gouges, a detail gouge and a 3/4" skew. The 3/8" u-shaped bowl gouge is perfect for taking the last pass on miniature vessels. Have fun and enjoy


BTW, see if you can get you hands on some 1" solid aluminum bar stock. It is great for handles (IMHO). You can wrap it in vinyl tubing or even tennis racket grip-tape.

Bernie Weishapl
08-17-2009, 9:38 PM
+1 for Thompsons. Congrats on the tools and nice handles.