View Full Version : American Girl Doll furniture

whit richardson
08-17-2009, 2:50 PM
I have seen some neat stuff done here by other folks making beds, chairs, etc. for the American Girl dolls. I'm in that situation now having a granddaughter that wants beds for her dolls. My question is what tools and techniques are best to make smaller scale projects? I don't have a scroll saw but have the WW basic tools (not all though). I'd like them to look decent and hold up to kid use (read abuse). Advice, pics, dimensions, materials and tips are all welcome.

Lee Schierer
08-17-2009, 3:12 PM
I've made several pieces for my Grnddaughter for her dolls. I used standard woodworking tools that I would for making large projects, just made smaller parts. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~us71na/doll_bed.jpg

Basically you can just scale down plans for real furniture with simplified joints since the strength issues are less with doll firniture.

Cliff Rohrabacher
08-17-2009, 4:18 PM
with small pieces special attention to Grain makes a real difference.

whit richardson
08-17-2009, 7:20 PM
good stuff! Anyone ever make bunk beds?