View Full Version : Know how to keep a JET mini busy......I do

Tony Greenway
08-16-2009, 8:03 PM
Just set it up for someone who had rather be turning something than playing video games and you've done it. I'm talking about my 13yr old, Max. I've just posted some things that I've been working on and now I would like to post one of Max and some of his turnings.
The following descriptions may not be in same order as the pics, I tried that yesterday without success.
One is a Spalted Sycamore bowl.
One is a NE Pecan bowl.
Another bowl is made from Wormy Chestnut.
While Bottle stoppers are in another pic.
There is a one of Max sanding a cedar box he made.
He has many more pieces that I've not shown, such as, mushrooms, pens and pencils, just to name a few. Thanksfor looking

Grant Davis
08-16-2009, 8:07 PM
Way to go Max, you've got a great talent.

David Christopher
08-16-2009, 8:07 PM
Tony, those look great....you should retire and let max keep um coming

Terry Rothwell
08-16-2009, 8:07 PM
Very nice stuff there Max! Keep up the good work.

Bill Bolen
08-16-2009, 8:08 PM
You go Max! From the pic's you should be teaching turning soon!...Bill...

alex carey
08-16-2009, 8:08 PM
Looks like hes quite the turner in the making. His story sounds the same as mine, played video constantly until I fell in love with the lathe.

Chris Rae
08-16-2009, 8:13 PM
Congrats to Max on some great looking stuff.

Steve Schlumpf
08-16-2009, 8:48 PM
Keep up the good work Max! I like your bottle stoppers better than mine! Nice form!

Jeff Nicol
08-16-2009, 8:59 PM
Tony, My son just called me from Idaho where he is stationed in the air force. He told me he is getting deployed to Egypt for 40 days at the end of September, then to Afganistan in Feb of next year. I miss having him around to drive me crazy and to ask all the questions that he asked me over the years! It is wonderful to see your young son doing something constructive and appreciating what he does, and having a dad that gives him encouragement and mentoring!

Congrats to Max and you for having a wonderful father and son bond!

It makes me feel good inside!!! Thanks for sharing with all of us,


Pete Jordan
08-16-2009, 9:28 PM
Way to go Max!

I would wait a little while before asking for a Mustard Monster.

Bernie Weishapl
08-16-2009, 11:09 PM
Congrats Max on some nice pieces.

Terry Gerros
08-17-2009, 1:22 AM

Way to go! Those are some nice bowls you've made. You are ahead of me on bottle stoppers. Keep up the good work, but most of all have loads of fun with the lathe. Be safe!!

Norm Zax
08-17-2009, 2:25 AM
Very impressive and definitely on the route to the vortex! Hope he got the safety and lungs awareness speech at least twice...

Aaron Wingert
08-19-2009, 12:27 PM
Very nice work Max!

(gotta get some safety glasses on though :cool:)

David Drickhamer
08-19-2009, 1:21 PM
Nice job Max but I feel I have to add my 2 cents... Where are your safety glasses and dust mask. It looks like your off to a good start. now your dad has to buy another lathe se he can turn too. :D

My 13 year old grand daughter spent the night earlier this week and made two pens. A Sierra and a fountain pen. Her first time turning acrylic.

It's great seeing kids falling down the same vortex as we did.


Roger Alexander
08-19-2009, 2:55 PM
Tony tell Max that I mentor for our local club and the WoodWorkers Shop here at home. That boy can come and mentor me any day. Very good and I also wonder where the face shield and dust mask is.

Tony Greenway
08-19-2009, 3:18 PM
Max says thanks everyone for your comments. He really likes it when I post pics of his work for all to see. As a side note, he is the youngest member in our local turning club, and has been featured in the monthly newsletter several times.
In response to some of your replys;

Jeff, I know exactly what you're talking about with your son. My oldest has been a Marine for 1 yr. this month. I'm extremely proud of all who step up to the plate to defend the rest of us. That said, I still miss my big 'little man'.

Pete, he's already got his eyes on my Vega bowl lathe.

To Norm Z and David D, I appreciate your safety concerns. I wanted everyone to know that while turning his box, Max did indeed wear his face shield, but when sanding he didn't wear a dust mask. That's my fault, it was very hot in the shop and I put 2 fans blowing on Max from behind him into my shop-built sanding filter. The dust was taken away as fast as it was being made. I do agree that he should've had on his safety glasses, even when fine sanding between coats of friction polish. We'll both have to work on that habit.

Jeff Nicol
08-20-2009, 9:48 PM

With Max in the finishing stages of a small project, we all know we should wear the protection, but if we all tell the truth about it, we all do it time to time without the protection, true? I believe that perfection is not attainable and we do the best we can. If we have to say "The safety equipment was removed to ensure better photo clarity" sort of like Norm does on the New Yankee Workshop that will cover us all!

We all are pround of our children and sometimes the excitement gets in the way of always doing the correct thing. No matter what you are being a great father and mentor!

Keep up the good work! I have my 17 year old nephew over for a few days and he and I will spend the day tomorrow in the shop trying to get a pen, a bowl and a couple drumsticks made. I hope I can keep up with him as it is borderline genius and full of energy! Should be fun!

Have a great day,

Jeff :rolleyes:

jason lambert
08-21-2009, 10:20 AM
Great I like reading threads like this... Good job nice turnings..