View Full Version : Matching a finish

Dave Tinley
09-08-2004, 9:04 AM
Can someone point in in the right direction to match the finish on this buffet door. I am cutting off the bad part of the veneer and have reveneered a new piece of mahogony on the edge.
I made some test samples but cant seem to get the redddish color correct. Could it be that the varnish was tinted??


Carl Eyman
09-08-2004, 9:45 AM
Dave, do you have some of the veneer that you replaced that has varnish on it? If so, can you scrape some of that off and see how much color is in the wood and how much in the varnish? One of the techniques that Jeff Jewitt mentions in his newest book "Finishing" is building up the color in layers rather than trying for hitting it in one shot.

He says "Apply color from light to dark. You can always darken a color, but it is very difficult to lighten something . . . .".

He talks about applying dyes first then pigment stains as glazes, and perhaps some toning.

If you can get the book, I highly recommend it.