View Full Version : Woodworking in America tomorrow

Bill Wyko
08-13-2009, 9:52 PM
Anyone going to the event? We flew from Tucson to Illinois for this. I hope we get to put some faces to some names. :D I believe it will be well worth the trip.

Bill Wyko
08-18-2009, 6:49 PM
I got to put a few faces to names including Jameel and a few others. For those of you that didn't go you really missed out. What a fantastic conference. Every person that out on a tutorial was very knowledgeable in not only their skills but in the history of the various periods from which the style came from. It was a history/technique class every time. I give their efforts an A+++. I will attend again even if I have to travel.

Mike Heidrick
08-18-2009, 9:47 PM
Great meeting you Bill. Hope I talked you up enough to the Router Boss guy. Sorry for the cut in line - hope you got enough food.

Bill Wyko
08-19-2009, 8:54 PM
No problem my friend. Did you enjoy the event? That router boss was very interesting. Anyone here own one?