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Bob Haverstock
08-13-2009, 9:12 AM
Friday My wife and I were traveling to out of state. We stopped at an antique mall to stretch our legs. While roamong around, I found a Sargent chisel with a damaged cutting edge for $2. So, I bought it.

I had been wanting to forge some chisels and now I have a pattern. The other chisel in the photo is the first one that I patterned from the Sargent. It took several tries to get the socket right.




Don C Peterson
08-13-2009, 10:43 AM
Nice work Bob. Could you share a bit more about the process, the kind of steel used etc...?

Terry Beadle
08-13-2009, 10:43 AM
I'm totally impressed! That must have been quite a bit of work. Too cool!

Mike Brady
08-13-2009, 10:50 AM
Impressive, Bob. I can't say that I have seen anyone make a socket chisel from scratch. Looks like you got it just right, too. The handle and end washer are very appropriate for the size and purpose of the tool. Your skills obviously go far beyond woodworking. You would do a service to all of us to do a photographic step-by-step essay on the process. I think you would find it archived on more than one forum if you cared to share it.

Jim Koepke
08-13-2009, 1:22 PM
Very impressive


Bob Haverstock
08-13-2009, 1:57 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys. The materal was salvaged fron a coil spring that was formed from 13/16 stock. I hate to admite it, but the hole was drilled in the lathe. I measured the taper and hole on the Sargent chisel and increased the size by 20%. As I tapered the outside in a set of dies the hole in the blank constricted and tapered also. The rest of the stock was forged down into the blade.

If you folks really want me to I can at a later date do process photos, but not real soon. My first grandchild was born today! Ol' Gramps is going to be busy doing gramp's stuff and likey acting silly. May have to make my grandson some Neander stuff.

Bob (Gramps)

Jim Koepke
08-13-2009, 3:14 PM
My first grandchild was born today! Ol' Gramps is going to be busy doing gramp's stuff and likey acting silly. May have to make my grandson some Neander stuff.

Bob (Gramps)

My wife accompanied me into one of the local logging supply stores to look for some suspenders the other day. They have small, kid-sized, suspenders with Grandpa's Helper and Daddy's Helper printed on them.

Have to get some of those for my grand kids when they come up again.

A small Neander mallet is always a young ones favorite.


Bob Haverstock
08-15-2009, 6:49 PM
I did take one more photo of the chisel while it was still in the "black". The forging is done but, blade end needs trimmed. At this point the blade is well shaped.
