View Full Version : Plea for help .... Finding wood in Las Vegas

Randy Miller
09-07-2004, 3:01 PM
Been off the forum for quite a while now due to a move from the Northeast to the Southwest. Now living in Las Vegas and looking to (finally) getting some projects started.

Anybody know where I can find good (i.e. reasonable selection of species and dimension) lumber and plywood. The local HD is worse than the ones at home.

Also, if anyone turns in LV, any hints on getting blanks, location/time of meetings, etc....

Thanks in advance.

Michael Ballent
09-07-2004, 4:30 PM
I believe that there is a store in Las Vegas that sells wood for guitar bodies. I have been meaning to go there on my next visit to LV to see what they have. I would be surprised if they had lumber for furniture, but you never know.

Joseph N. Myers
09-07-2004, 5:04 PM

Did you try www.woodfinder.com (http://www.woodfinder.com)?

Regards, Joe

Steve Stube
09-07-2004, 5:52 PM
Isn't LV the place that has all the wooden nickels? I suppose squaring them and glue-up could take awhile. Try the Casinos :) :) ;)

Randy Miller
09-07-2004, 8:23 PM
Posted to Woodfinder -- closest store is 200 miles away :(

No luck with the nickels, they're made out of clay or plastic now ;-)


Doug Keener
09-08-2004, 9:07 PM
Hi Randy

Welcome to Las Vegas. I made that same move in 1999. Try Austin Hardwoods at 4245 Sunset Road. Phone 260-1133. They also have a web site: www.austinfirst.com.

I buy most of my stuff there. What area in Las Vegas are you in? I'm in the Northwest around Ann road and Durango. Hope this helps.

Doug Keener

Earl Huggins
09-09-2004, 12:34 AM
I have lived in Las Vegas for 30 years and finding good wood has always
been a problem. The lumber stores come and go. As mentioned by Doug,
there is Austin Hardwoods but they are not always accomodating. One other little known place is called National Wood, 6065 Polaris Ave 795-2324 and
another Rugby Building Products, 4545 Diablo Dr 248-0050 All are within a
few miles of each other south of Trop and west of Valley View. Hope you
like Las Vegas--it has its good points and its BAD ones. Earl