View Full Version : WOOD ID/New Pictures

alex carey
08-11-2009, 8:23 PM
Here are some new pictures of something I posted last night but got no responses.

BTW, this stuff cut like butter, very easy to get through, and very wet.

Richard Madison
08-11-2009, 10:56 PM
I would have responded if I had a clue about your wood ID. If it was free wood, it is good wood.

Jarrod McGehee
08-12-2009, 3:07 AM
oh dude! that's some Cali pepper. I've got some of that stuff and it's really nice. just seal it really well and make sure you're careful when it's drying because it's not that stable. One of the offcuts I had on some of mine almost made a bowl by itself! :eek:

but the grain is wild and it looks really cool. have fun with it.

Jess Wetherhold
08-12-2009, 3:55 PM
Yep! I had about a dozen pieces freshly cut and super wax sealed and every one of them twisted, cracked and split. Just for kicks I tried turning 1 anyway and I couldn't get past the smell.

Kyle Iwamoto
08-12-2009, 4:19 PM
Yep! I had about a dozen pieces freshly cut and super wax sealed and every one of them twisted, cracked and split. Just for kicks I tried turning 1 anyway and I couldn't get past the smell.

Did it smell bad or rather nice? If its a relative of teh Brazillian Pepper, aka Christmas Berry, an invasive tree, it's pretty wood to turn, and I thought it smelled cool. It did move a lot.... If you don't like the smell, turn with an organic filtered mask. It takes all the smells out. If it's working properly.

Brian Novotny
08-12-2009, 6:15 PM
There's really no smell to me, and the wood seems to be very stable, no problems with cracking, even very little with unsealed logs, and the berries are blue, so pepper, ,but what kind of pepper? I think cali peper has red berries. This stuf is wild and is waaayy beyond "just some wood to turn". Some of the nicest grain pattern I've ever seen. An exact name is nice, but not having a name doesn't take away from the wood itself in my book. This stuff has to really be felt and seen to believe. It's now on my "most wanted" list.

alex carey
08-12-2009, 6:23 PM
it smells alright, nothing too strong or irritating. Just kind of there.

Brian Novotny
08-12-2009, 9:56 PM
I'm now prettty sure it's Peruvian Pepper, as that is the only pepper tree that I could find that has blue fruit.....and it grows in this area

alex carey
08-13-2009, 2:25 AM
I talked to the guy today, he told me it was a type of pear tree? Thoughts?

Brian Novotny
08-13-2009, 2:52 AM
No WAY!!!! I saw the fruits......and they were just like the california Pepper(red), but blue berries. The trees are peppers. And when I said Peruvian pepper, I further looked it up and peruvian pepper is the more accurate namesince california pepper is from peru, somehow the tree took on the name "california pepper" and the berries change colors. ca. pepper I believe it to be. Peruvian pepper just sounds better as marketing goes though........nno way pear. Pepper. that lady seemed to know alot about trees and really mislead me when she said boxwood......your average housewife doesn't know those things! It's definitely pepper! Thanks Y'all.......great stuff, it's on my top 10 list for sho.

alex carey
08-13-2009, 3:08 AM
your thinking of the wood we picked up, look at that wood in the picture, this is something my friend dropped off, completely different than the stuff we got.

Brian Novotny
08-13-2009, 3:39 AM
You're talking about the red stump I thought might be acacia of some sort. that stuff we got is pepper, closely related to pistachio, and cashew......for a housewife, I wonder where she came up with "boxwood"?

fruit trees are always nice, normally there's just not much there.....that pear shoud make some nice pieces, if it's your friends don't mount the whole thing in case he screws up and you have nothing, if it's the friend you told me was just getting into it..... cut it for him into many blanks so he walks away with at least one nice piece.....which in turn would probably mean a lathe purchase........just my opinion. ..... also because I want to see what pear looks like turned and finished well. I never imagined pear looking like that. I bet it's really nice finished. Is pear a "hybrid" fruit?

alex carey
08-13-2009, 11:37 AM
yeah my bad, i was talking about the red stump which i only got one stump of, not the pepper we picked up.

no idea how she came up with box wood.

I cut the stump into three blanks, all of them quite large (20" plus). I'm gonna let him turn the first one and if it sucks ill turn the other two. I too don't want to waste wood which is why I stared him out on ficus for practice, but it is his wood so ill let have atleast the first go at it.

BTW, I turned some of the pepper, a bowl, a platter, and I roughed out two more bowls, they looks pretty good, a little boring grain but I chose all the boring pieces. Should get interesting when I get to the good stuff.

The platter and bowl I roughed in one day and sanded the next day, it was too wet to sand the first day but the by the second it was dry and hadn't moved at all.