View Full Version : Does anyone know if Bowclamps is still in business?

Gil LaCroix
08-11-2009, 9:40 AM
Over a week ago I placed an order for a master set of Bowclamps and paid for it with PayPal...received no acknowledgement.

Yesterday sent an email asking about order...with no repsonse.

Today tried to call and the number has been disconnected.

Is anyone aware of what is going on there?

Narayan Nayar
08-11-2009, 10:24 AM
I placed an order with Craig in April and received it in a couple of weeks.

Maybe he's on vacation. He is, as far as I know, a one-man shop.

Per Swenson
08-11-2009, 1:22 PM
Hi Gil,

Sure, Craig is still is business.
Loyal reader Roger Savateri e-mailed me,
I called Craig on your behalf, (on the bowclamp phone),
Expect to hear from him shortly.


Craig Feuerzeig
08-11-2009, 2:04 PM
Ouch... my aching growing pains. A million apologies Gil. Your order shipped last week, you should see them tomorrow. While August is usually dead... I'm in the middle of moving into new shop space (actually I think I've graduated from shop to factory) , and was away on the rare family vacation last week. In my new space I'm having new electrical service (400 amps of 3 phase) installed. It was supposed to be turned on before I returned from vacation, but storms in the area had public service postpone all non essential work. I should have had the phone forwarded to my cell, but thought it would only be a day or so. Still waiting unfortunately. Sorry again if I missed your e-mail. :o Maybe got dumped into junk mail. :confused:

Rest assured I'm still here, maybe temporarily discombobulated and secretarialy challenged (is that a word?:confused:)... but still here, and I have about 100 sets on stand-by to cover the down time. I'll forward the tracking info that should have been forwarded a few days ago, along with my cell#. Please accept my sincerest apologies. And I hope you enjoy your Bowclamps.

Gil LaCroix
08-11-2009, 2:26 PM

Thank you so much....yes, I did get an email from Craig and the response here in the forum.


Gil LaCroix
08-11-2009, 2:29 PM

Thanks for your response here and the email I received. I hope this ends up being favorable publicity for you...you've handled it as a professional business person. I look forward to working with the Bowclamps.


Mike Cutler
08-11-2009, 2:42 PM

The Bow Clamps are worth the wait. You're really going to like them.;)

Frank Guerin
08-11-2009, 6:23 PM
A good response from the manufactuer and seller is darn good business. I like it.

whit richardson
08-11-2009, 7:44 PM
WoW! These things could mean a guy could have too many clamps if you start using these. I checked out the web page and those look really neat for glue ups. I've been watching every penny and nickel these days but I think I'll break the piggy bank for a few of these myself. What I love about SMC.

Phil Thien
08-11-2009, 7:45 PM
A good response from the manufactuer and seller is darn good business. I like it.

I agree. I like the "I'm in the middle of moving my shop, and on a vacation, and oh yeah, they shipped last week, you'll have them tomorrow" kind of answer.

Tells me the owner of the business has his priorities straight.