View Full Version : First Cutting Board

Jeff Sudmeier
09-07-2004, 11:58 AM
I made my first cutting board over this weekend. It is pictured below http://www.woodworkersweb.com/modules/gallery/albums/albut49/100_7034.sized.jpg
Thank you to Mike for posting the tutorial on how to build these types of cutting boards. I really like the design! The wood used is red maple and black walnut.

Chris Padilla
09-07-2004, 1:02 PM

Looks very nice and a great project for those scraps you often have laying around but don't wanna toss! Did you really mean red maple? :D

Jeff Sudmeier
09-07-2004, 3:32 PM

Yep, I really did mean red maple. The sawer that I got it from called it that, the other peices that he had had more red "spots" in them, the one that I got happened not to have any. Anyway, I know it is maple, and I think it is red. :D

Donnie Raines
09-07-2004, 3:57 PM
Red maple it tis'. Most of the ambrosia maple floating around comes from these suckers. Red does not refrence the color of the lumber,of coarse. It is the color of the leaves in fall that lends its name here.

mike lucas
09-07-2004, 5:30 PM
Donnie Raines Is correct! I was down your way last spring. Nice little burg you have there.;)

James Giordano
09-08-2004, 4:52 AM
At the sawmill where I work. We call all of our soft maple "red maple". And it is marketed as that. :) Including"ambrosia" or "wormy" maple. Also I see a lot of "curly" maple in the red maple runs.