View Full Version : dust collection question "HELP"

Jasun Brown
08-10-2009, 3:48 PM
I recently purchased a used Jet planer that has a 5" DC port out the top. My DC unit is a 4". No problem, I purchased a delta made 5"-4" reducer from an online store.. I was so happy to get to use my new planer.
Problem!!! Their advertised 5" is really only 4 1/2" ID and my port on the planer is a true 5" (4 15/16) or close. I don't have any local resources to purchase from so online is the only option. I don't want to keep "throwing it at the wall and hope for a fit"!!
Does anyone know of a 5"-4" reducer that is really 5". I am hoping for plastic but am open.
Thanks in advance for your looking and help!!

Lee Schierer
08-10-2009, 4:11 PM
Another way you can go is to buy some 4" pvc S&D pipe and cut pieces from it, slit the side and snap the resulting collar around your adapter. Fill in the small gaps with other small pieces cut from the pipe. 2-3 collars made this way should get you to the right size. They can be made a solid assembly with a bit of pvc cement.

Chuck Isaacson
08-10-2009, 4:37 PM



Wes Grass
08-10-2009, 7:44 PM
Your reducer *is* 5", on the outside. You need a piece of 5" hose between it and the planer.

Craig Coney
08-10-2009, 9:22 PM
If you have a heat gun, you may be able to heat up the plastic and stretch it over the dust port. Place tin foil on the outside and to block the 4" opening, place wet rags in the part you do not want to stretch, place foil on top of the wet rags to minimize the heat getting thru. Use the heat gun and heat the plastic evenly.
I am not sure if you can stretch it that far, but worth a try.

Bruce Wrenn
08-10-2009, 9:52 PM
On my Delta 380, I used a piece of roll flashing and two hose clamps (4-6") from Lowes to make transition. Wrapped it around the outside of both pieces, and clamped it down. Here HD sells a lot of different sized reducing couplings (galvanized steel). You might want to check HD out.

Randy Digby
08-10-2009, 11:15 PM
Here you go....


McMaster ia a great supplier...it will be there when they tell you it will.

Rod Sheridan
08-11-2009, 8:16 AM
Jason, go to your local Borg or HVAC supplier and purchase a 4" to 5" HVAC pipe fitting.

They come in two styles, reducers and enlargers, measure them to see which one fits your application.

Regards, Rod.