View Full Version : bowls & stoppers

Terry Achey
08-09-2009, 11:50 PM
I recently tried a few "firsts" such as inlay (inlace product); and a cherry hollow form low profile bowl and a variety of bottle stoppers along with a couple small beer taps.

The inlace product was very easy to use ands even easier to work with the cutting tools. Not sure I like my choice of lids and materials, but was experimenting with all sorts of stuff. Oddly enough the finial fit (sorta) both bowls. I still have lots to learn regrading bottle stopper size and design. My first stoppers were simply to large.

Not the greatest work but fun to work with. As always, suggestions welcome. I'll add a second post w/pics.


Terry Achey
08-09-2009, 11:52 PM
....and the stoppers. Maple; Birds Eye Maple; Zebrawood; Yellowheart; Pink Ivory; and a little black veneer.

Chris Rae
08-09-2009, 11:59 PM
Those are some nice looking bottle stoppers, I like the variety. Nice job on the inlace too.

Steve Schlumpf
08-10-2009, 12:17 AM
Terry - you've been busy! Nice work on everything! Really like the variety of form and woods on your stoppers!

alex carey
08-10-2009, 4:45 AM
Love the shape in the fourth picture, very cool.

Rob Cunningham
08-10-2009, 7:59 AM
I really like the low profile cherry HF and the finial top. Nice work.

Bernie Weishapl
08-10-2009, 4:45 PM
All look great. Stoppers could be smaller but look ok. I really like the first bowl. Really nice.

Terry Achey
08-10-2009, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I agree Bernie that the stoppers should be smaller. Now that I've made the "beta group", I'll focus on more on overall scale. I hope you all keep posting your work so I can continue to steal.... uh...er... I mean borrow from your designs and creativity!
