View Full Version : Thinning ArmR-Seal

drew hutchinson
08-08-2009, 4:03 PM
Can Arm R Seal be thinned with anything other than the recommended General Finishes thinner? I am working with a walnut slab table top and assume I want to thin the Arm R Seal by at least 50% to start. Don't want to darken the color but do want to deepen the grain.

I have the Arm R Seal but no thinner. I don't have a dealer nearby, have to order via internet and would like to do some finishing this weekend.


John Keeton
08-08-2009, 9:12 PM
Mineral spirits, turpentine, and paint thinner will all thin Arm-R-Seal, and work about equally well. The turpentine may dry just a bit quicker, but not enough to matter. I have also added BLO to give a little more color.

Mark Mazzo
08-10-2009, 1:13 PM
I usually thin Arm-R-Seal with Naptha for a bit quicker dying time.


Howard Acheson
08-10-2009, 3:29 PM
Arm R Seal is already a highly thinned poly varnish right out of the can. If you thin it more be sure to use additional coats to build up an adequate and protective film thickness.

Personally, I wouldn't thin it.

Scott Holmes
08-10-2009, 5:01 PM

Adding BLO completely changes the finish. It is no longer a thinned varnish finish it will become an oil/varnish blend and should not be used to try to build a film forming finish. It's way too soft for that.

I would not thin the ARS either.