View Full Version : Walnut/Ambrosia Maple Sled W/PIC

Chris DiCiaccio
09-06-2004, 1:55 PM
Almost done! Need to sand the plugs flush on the front handle and give it a finish. This is my second one of these and it went much smoother this time. Have a great day.
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/Sledb1.jpg">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/Sledb2.jpg">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/Sledb3.jpg">

Michael Stafford
09-06-2004, 2:05 PM
I made a sled very similar to yours many years ago from QS red oak. Opportunities for sledding here are few and far between. As luck would have it we had a snow sleet storm and we tried out the sled. On the first ride down the hill my son was heading to the pond at breakneck speed and finally realized he needed to bail. He rolled off and the sled went into the pond. Miraculously it floated and we were able to retrieve it. Good job and have fun!

Gary Max
09-06-2004, 3:39 PM
I love it-----now all I have to do is show it to the wife and let her build a couple.
She's out in her shop right now building piggy banks she saw on this site.
We both enjoy building things and are always looking for something new to us.
What's the overall lenght of the bed boards---the center one would be enough??

Chris DiCiaccio
09-06-2004, 3:51 PM
Thanks for the comments. The center bedboard is 33", rails 42" and width 17". Have a great day.

Gary Max
09-06-2004, 6:13 PM
Thanks Chris----need to keep the wife busy in her shop.

Carl Eyman
09-06-2004, 6:19 PM
Can it be steered? My granddaughter just left for college in Scenectady NY. Might make her one for Xmas.

Chris DiCiaccio
09-06-2004, 6:32 PM
This one cannot be steered. I suppose you could extend the center bed board and add two short rails which could pivot and steer it. If you do it, send me a photo. Thanks, have a great day.

Gary Whitt
09-07-2004, 9:55 AM
Looks almost too good to actually use!!!!! ;)