View Full Version : Limiting door swing

Craig Howard
03-23-2003, 1:07 PM
Hi everyone,
I could use your collective wisdom to solve a little problem I encountered this week. I'll try to explain....I just completed a built-in cabinet for a friend. It consists of raised panel doors on the bottom, open shelving at the top and stained glass doors in the middle. Actually, all I did was make the face frame, trim and doors. The cabinet was existing. It is next to a fireplace. The fireplace mantel extends out about 4". After I hung the left door and swung it open 90 degrees to install the catches, I realized I had just come within a few centimeters of recycling a few hundred dollars worth of stained glass. So... what I need to do is come up with a way to limit the swing of the door to about 90 degrees. My first thought was simply using a decorative chain.It wouldn't work though, because the stained glass looks best when backlit from inside the cabinet and the chain would cast a shadow. Now I'm thinking of maybe using a lid support. I'd appreciate any ideas.


Lars Thomas
03-23-2003, 2:51 PM
If it's an inset door, you could use 90 degree stoped hinges (available at Rockler or similar). If it's an overlay door, I like your idea of using the lid support (but they might extend beyond 90). Lars

Jamie Buxton
03-23-2003, 7:03 PM
How 'bout cup hinges? Y'know, Euro-style hinges. You can get ones which stop at 100 degrees, 105 dgrees, 120 degrees, and several others.

John Wadsworth
03-24-2003, 10:19 AM
If memory serves me, there is a gadget which replaces the pin in an ordinary butt hinge that limits the opening arc.

Maybe it would be easier to come up with a solution to Craig's question if we knew exactly what type of hinge he has already installed...

Lee Schierer
03-24-2003, 12:22 PM
You need a door stay. They are available from Rocklers and Woodworkers Supply. They are also called lid supports. Some hinge, some slid a bar along a track.

Craig Howard
03-24-2003, 6:13 PM
I appreciate the help. I guess I should have given more information. :-) The doors are inset. As for the hinges, she spent about 6 months trying to find the perfect ones, so I can't really modify them. I'll look for the door stays. I have a couple other half-baked ideas too.:rolleyes:
