View Full Version : bowl teaching DVD's?

Walt Caza
08-06-2009, 6:17 PM
Good Day to the Creek,
I am hoping for some bowl turning DVD recommendations.
Searching the Creek archives came up empty, so I'll try a fresh thread.

There are sooo many choices, care to share any solid fav's?

I would especially like good teaching camera angles and a pleasing teacher personality.
I'm sure I'll end up with a few in my good time, but would appreciate starting suggestions.

ps yes, I will also seek some live teaching and clubs in time...

Jason Roehl
08-06-2009, 6:38 PM
Bill Grumbine.


Ken Fitzgerald
08-06-2009, 6:41 PM
Bill Grumbine.

I have his first DVD. I can recommend it highly!

Gary Conklin
08-06-2009, 6:45 PM
+3 for Bill Grumbine. Also check out smartflix dot com

Tony De Masi
08-06-2009, 6:56 PM
Another vote for Bill. Doesn't get any better that what he has put out.


Greg Haugen
08-06-2009, 7:43 PM
As previously mentioned, several times actually, Bill Grumbine's dvd's are very good. I have both of them.

I'd also strongly recommend Mike Mahoney's "Bowl Basics" and "From the tree to the table". I have both of those as well. "Bowl Basics" is similar to Bill's DVDs in that it starts "basic" and progresses. There are three different bowl projects on it as well as a couple of different methods for turning a bowl, one using a scraper and another using different grinds on a gouge. Bowl basics is also one of the only DVD's that covers the proper way to sand a bowl. It also has excellent sections on chucks/tenons and sharpening. Here is a link to youtube. Mike has a little bit of the DVD on Youtube.


One dvd that is often overlooked but is excellent also is Trent Bosch's Utility Bowl DVD. Covers alot, even embellishment options.

All three of these DVD's will show you how to turn a bowl, all three use different methods. Explore the options and see which one works best for you.

Have fun! It's a blast!!

Ken Whitney
08-06-2009, 7:50 PM
One more for Grumbine -- Both DVDs


Roger Wilson
08-06-2009, 8:26 PM
goto www.smartflix.com (http://www.smartflix.com) and search on "turning". You will get back a good sized list of woodturning videos, a lot of which are devoted all or in part to bowl turning. You can rent the videos from SmartFlix and buy them else where.

Bill Grumbines videos are great. He has a charming on screen persona with a dry sense of humor. I believe he is working on a new DVD with a lot of spindle turning content.

Ryan Baker
08-06-2009, 8:34 PM
Bill Grumbine's DVDs are both must-haves. The Mahoney DVDs are probably next. There are others too, but those are head-and-shoulders above the rest of the crowd.

Mike Stephens
08-06-2009, 8:42 PM
+3 for Bill Grumbine. Also check out smartflix dot com

Just checked out smartflix.com. $10.00 dollars to rent a video for a week ouch.

Bill Grumbine's video is a must.

Bernie Weishapl
08-06-2009, 9:17 PM
Walt I to recommend Bill Grumbines first DVD and also Mike Mahony's DVD "From The Tree To the Table." Excellent DVD.

Brian Effinger
08-06-2009, 9:33 PM
Definitely get Bill Grumbine's video - Turned Bowls Made Easy. I have watched it several times - usually in parts as I am turning a bowl along with him. I found his teaching style, techniques and camera angles to be great.

Joseph M Lary
08-06-2009, 10:05 PM
I dont know if any one has mention this yet, Bill Grumbine's videos.:D

Gary Conklin
08-06-2009, 10:31 PM
Just checked out smartflix.com. $10.00 dollars to rent a video for a week ouch.

Better than $30-40 to buy it.

Chris Rae
08-06-2009, 10:43 PM
Another vote for Bill Grumbine. I have both of his, they are great!

Kyle Iwamoto
08-07-2009, 3:39 AM
For the 89th time, Bill Grumbine....

Buy them, you'll watch them again and again.....

You can do searches on You Tube, but some of the videos are pretty lame, some are very interesting and informative. It's hit or miss.....

Tony Greenway
08-07-2009, 7:56 AM
Bill Grumbine's videos are without a doubt, a must for any turner. Lyle Jamieson's 'Bowl Basics the easy way' is also a good one to have. It is a very comprehensive 2-DVD set which last over 4 hours........Tony

Steve Schlumpf
08-07-2009, 8:08 AM
Yet another vote for Bill Grumbine's videos. To me - the most important thing in his first video is how to make the 4 different cuts with a swept back wing style gouge. That made a huge difference in my skills as a turner!

Rob Cunningham
08-07-2009, 8:18 AM
Bill Grumbine seems to be the favorite but I'll throw out another: David Ellsworth Signature Gouge video. It's the only video I own so far and has helped me out a lot.

Michael Mills
08-07-2009, 8:26 AM
I agree with the others on Bill G’s.
You may want to also try Richard Raffan, and Dennis White.
Dennis’s have very little verbiage but has a LOT of close-ups. He does all of the turning in with a ½ inch gouge in the bowl video including a finial.
As far as renting, I prefer to buy, you can then watch as long as you want to and resell.
I just sold seven in the "classified" section for about 2/3 of what I paid for them. So I paid 30 for Bills and only got 20 back, not bad for having them about four months and viewing them all I wanted to.

robert hainstock
08-07-2009, 9:27 AM
The thing that makes Bill's videos special is they are well thought out , and more importantly Bill is a teacher. :D:D:D:D:D

John Abt
08-07-2009, 9:37 AM
Without a doubt, the Bill Grumbine set of videos is by far the best. You could also check into John Jordan's video as well as Mike Mahoney and Stuart Batty, "Two Ways to Turn a Bowl".

Some turning clubs have lending libraries that make these videos available to members.

08-07-2009, 10:31 AM
All of the above, plus Bob Hamilton. He is a Creeker.


Reed Gray
08-07-2009, 11:58 AM
I liked Bills DVDs as well as the Two Ways to make a bowl from Mike Mahoney and Stewart Batty. This one is good in that it shows 2 different approaches to turning a bowl, but not really how to turn a bowl. The Dave Ellsworth one on using his gouge is handy as well. View as many as you can. You can learn something from just about all of them. The hard thing to learn is what will work best for you. I can't recomend mine because I haven't done it yet.

robo hippy

Jerry Rhoads
08-07-2009, 1:07 PM
Another vote for Bill Grumbine's -Turned bowls made easy


David Walser
08-07-2009, 1:46 PM
I own and love Bill Grumbine's videos. I recommend them highly. However, as much as I like them, I strongly believe Lyle Jamieson'sBowl Basics the Easy Way is better than both of Bill's videos combined.As I've said before, I believe Lyle's Bowl Basics the Easy Way may be the best turning video, on any topic, I've ever seen. (I own, at last count, better than 20 videos, and have seen a lot more. So, my opinion's not based on a limited sample.)

Why do I believe Lyle's video is so good?

He covers things in greater depth and detail than you'll see in other videos. After all, this is a two DVD video that covers the making of just ONE bowl. In 4 hours, Lyle simply has more time to show and explain things.
He clearly explains why he thinks one approach is better than another. Lyle has strong opinions about a lot of things. Rather than just sharing those opinions, he explains why he holds those opinions.
He covers more topics. In addition to showing you how to turn a bowl -- covering all the usual topics -- he shows you how to tune up your lathe so it doesn't vibrate as much, etc.
He makes extensive use of diagrams and models. In addition to showing Lyle doing something, such as a push cut, the video makes use of diagrams and models to help you understand how and why Lyle's doing what he's doing.

Bill may be funnier. He might be more entertaining. But Lyle's not boring, and if you're to judge a "how to" video on how well it teaches you to do something, Lyle's video just does a better job of TEACHING than any other I've seen. I have and had watched Bill's videos before I bought Lyle's. I had turned several bowls before I watched Lyle's video. I still learned more from Lyle's video than I had from any other bowl turning video.

Note: This is obviously a subjective judgment. People learn differently and respond differently to different types of instruction. So, for what it's worth, I've seen a lot of videos. I'm glad I own Bill's and still watch them occasionally. However, if I could only have one bowl turning video, it would by Lyle's.

http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Videos___Techniques___Bowl_Basics_the_Easy_Way___j amieson_bowl_basics?Args=

Walt Caza
08-25-2009, 11:27 AM
Good Day Turners,
Just a quick update:
I have ordered and am waiting on both of Bill Grumbine's DVDs.
I placed my order direct with his website, thinking he probably makes
a little more money that way, over retail.
He seems to be well liked and a good guy...
so it was a little something extra I could do for him.

Also, I ordered Lyle Jamieson's DVDs from his website as well.
I liked that his show sounds comprehensive and thoroughly explained.
Thanks to Tony G. and David W. for tossing this one into the mix.

Thanks a bunch to all who responded and were helpful!
If I crave further bowl DVDs my wish list would probably be Mahoney and Ellsworth.

Special thanks to David Walser for taking the time to post a detailed and informative response. Buddy, ya sold me!
see you in the sawdust,

Mike Lipke
08-25-2009, 12:17 PM
Someone else to consider is William Grumbino. He has two out there, both are excellent.
Some folks call him Bill Grumbine.
I have others, but this are the best.

His DVD's are fun to watch as well.

"There. Want to see it again? Well, that's what rewind is for."

Mike Lipke
08-25-2009, 12:19 PM
Worth getting Bill's videos just to find out what a 'turning muscle' is.....

Thom Sturgill
08-25-2009, 1:27 PM
I have one of Bill's and yes it is good, and covers the basics very, very well. Especially on preparing the blank.

However, my vote goes for the Jimmy Clewes DVDs for style and turning technique.

Leo Van Der Loo
08-25-2009, 1:40 PM
These links are not exactly teaching videos, but worth a good look in the how and the what, that's used to do BOWLTURNING



Brent Smith
08-25-2009, 4:02 PM
Walt, you won't go wrong with Bill Grumbine's DVDs. They are the perfect starting point for bowl turning. Bill's no nonsense approach to things makes for a clear and well paced video. He doesn't force you to sit through endless minutes of mundane stuff to get to a point.

Lance kanaby
08-25-2009, 5:07 PM
Bill Grumbine has two excellent DVD's and of course you can't beat Jimmy Clewes as an excellent instructor.

Ken Glass
08-26-2009, 12:19 AM
Bill Grumbine gets it done in simple easy terms you can follow while learning easily. I cast my one vote for Bill G.

Paul Gallian
08-26-2009, 1:25 AM
don't watch Bill Grumbine's videos!! He is a gun packing overweight guy! He does a quick draw and shoots holes in his bowls at the end of each movie chapter.

Did this get your attention? I hope you understand that it was said in fun.

He is a gun lover -- and a really good teacher/bowl turner..

Don't shoot me Bill!


Mike Svoma
08-26-2009, 8:59 AM
I like the DVDs that are done by Jimmy Clewes.

Mark Patoka
08-26-2009, 9:38 AM
I have both of Bill Grumbine's videos and like them. Haven't seen any other ones so can't compare them.

Bruce McElhaney
08-26-2009, 2:39 PM
For a novice, it's a no-brainer, get Bill G's. DVDs. I have both, and really like them. Mike Mahoney's are very good also, but a bit more advanced, IMO.

David Walser
08-26-2009, 7:42 PM

Also, I ordered Lyle Jamieson's DVDs from his website as well.
I liked that his show sounds comprehensive and thoroughly explained.
Thanks to Tony G. and David W. for tossing this one into the mix.


Special thanks to David Walser for taking the time to post a detailed and informative response. Buddy, ya sold me!


Lyle Jamieson called today to thank me for my comments on his video. (He said you pointed him to the thread.) I've never had a vendor call or write to say thanks, before. I thought the gesture was gracious.

I hope you enjoy the videos!
