View Full Version : Pace Maker in a hollow form .....

Paul Engle
08-05-2009, 2:20 PM
Hi All.
Just a quick note to let yall know that my new pace maker does not interfear with my wood lathe electronics....phew I thought I was gonna have to hire some one to turn the thing manually by hand for a while there... :eek: Doctor locked me out of the shop for 6 weeks which means the county fair projects I started last month will not make it to judging :(. but the good news is the battery will last 4 years so I will be ready for the fair in 2013 for sure.....:cool: Everything is healing fine and I feel pretty good compared to the last 6 months of rapid heart beat, chest pressure and short of breath ,ER over nite stays at the local B & B hosp, and really LOUSY food.....:D. For those that have 'em , I got a Medtronic 3 wire ICD/defibulator Consulta ( and no ... i have no financial intrest other than the 120,000$ bill they sent me).:eek:

Nathan Hawkes
08-05-2009, 5:29 PM
Glad to hear you're doing well, Paul! Sounds like you got a good one---I watch EKG monitors on an acute cardiology floor. Looking forward to seeing new turnings.

Steve Schlumpf
08-05-2009, 5:55 PM
Paul - glad you are doing better! 6 weeks locked out of the shop is a small price to pay - if the end result is you feeling better! Enjoy your shop time! Looking forward to seeing what you turn!

Bernie Weishapl
08-05-2009, 10:54 PM
Glad to hear that things are working out and your feeling better. 6 weeks will go faster than you think.

Rick Flink
08-05-2009, 11:20 PM

My father-in-law was one of the first people in the country to receive that same device. They told him even with the pacemaker/defib that he would only make it about 6 to 8 months, but he was willing to be a guinie pig. That was over six years ago, and he is still going strong. He's had a few bumps along the way, but that device and a hell of a good doctor gave him a new lease on life.

I wish you well, take care of yourself, and congratulations on being able to turn turn turn! *grin*

Rick (mtgrizzly52)

Steve Kubien
08-05-2009, 11:58 PM
$120,000!!!!!! I don't want to start a political thing here by how do you Americans deal with this?!?!?!?!? Thank all that is holy that we have a universal healthcare system.

Steve -
Happy to be a Canadian
REALLY happy to be Canadian when I read things like this.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-06-2009, 12:04 AM

I noticed you hadn't been posting for a while. I'm glad things have gone well for you and look forward to your future contributions here at the Creek!

Richard Madison
08-06-2009, 12:10 AM
Paul, Glad to hear you are feeling better and healing well. In four years be really careful to connect the + and - of the new battery to the right terminals so your heart won't run backwards. Good luck.

Ron McKinley
08-06-2009, 11:33 PM
Just stay away from magnets and you'll be fine! Of course, almost every power tool has a magnet. I never let that bother me and have never had a problem. Glad you're back in the shop. Now that you're supercharged we'll be looking for a lot of good stuff from you! GRIN .......Ron

Paul Engle
08-07-2009, 6:39 PM
Thanks everyone :D, hopefully Ron is correct and I can get back to more than one or two turnings a year.... now to find the key to the shop .....:eek: