View Full Version : Finally finished something this weekend

Jeff Nicol
08-04-2009, 10:15 AM
It has been a while since I have posted anything so I thought I should get something finished! Here are three that I have been working on for it seems like months but only a week or two! The first is a wormy butternut HF with voids 9"x7" danish oil finish. Second is a sugar maple burl vase/vessel 8.25"x6" tung oil finish. The third is a small catalpa HF 5.25"x4" danish oil finish. I am doing a demo this weekend like I did last year at the gallery in Hammond so I needed some new stuff to bring along as all the rest of my stuff is at the Wilder center show. Any way here they are.


Steve Frederick
08-04-2009, 10:29 AM
All are very nice, but I really like #3!

Rusty Smith
08-04-2009, 10:30 AM
Love the butternut. I hope to be brave enough to try something like that some time. Those voids scare the stuffin' out of me. :eek:

BTW, good thing you included the captions on the pictures, they didn't load in the order of your discription. ;)

David Christopher
08-04-2009, 10:30 AM
WOW Jeff, you have created three beautiful pieces of art

Chris Rae
08-04-2009, 10:34 AM
Those are great Jeff, all of them are lovely! I think my favorite is the vase. Thanks for showing us.

Thom Sturgill
08-04-2009, 11:45 AM
Jeff, I love the form and the grain on the catalpa. That is also a fine job on the wormy piece of maple! As mentioned, the pictures seem to show in the reverse order of how the were uploaded, so its good that the captions match the description.

Bill Bolen
08-04-2009, 11:54 AM
Outstanding pieces Jeff. You have a lot more nerve than I. Those voids are a nice depth gauge but spinning in front of me would sure be nerve racking...Bill...

Jeff Nicol
08-04-2009, 11:54 AM
Thanks all for the kind words! I think I fixed the order of the wording to match the pictures. I had them right in the photo gallery on my computer, but when I posted them I did a random pick and goofed up!

Thanks again,


Steve Schlumpf
08-04-2009, 12:29 PM
Jeff - very nice! Everything looks really nice and should really grab some attention when you do your demo! Hope that goes well for you!

Really love the form on both of your vases but to me - the wormy butternut really stands out! I love pieces that nature has helped design! This one leaves a lot to the imagination and rough/textured look of all the worm holes really adds to the character of the piece! Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!

What exactly are you doing a demo on?

Richard Madison
08-04-2009, 1:01 PM
Jeff, I like the maple burl vase. It appears skillfully turned, and not the same ole, same ole usual shape.

Mike Svoma
08-04-2009, 1:29 PM
Nice stuff, Jeff. Where did you have those hiding this weekend when I was there? I remember seeing the Butternut pice but not the others. Anyway....nice job.


Jeff Nicol
08-04-2009, 6:36 PM
MIke, I can't let you see all the stuff I do or there won't be any suprises! I did the maple one from start to finish on Sunday as the wood was very dry and had been sitting in the shop for about a year and had been dead on the stump for about that long before I cut it down! If you remember the last few I posted it is the other part of the burly log that I made a nice Greek style vase out of! The little one was sitting on the ocillating spindle sander and I showed it to you and Steve when he and Colleen visited the shop, do you remember?

Steve, The Butternut one is pretty cool in person also, you can see some nice figure around the crotchwood and the voids when you turn it and the light hits it!

To all who are a bit apprehensive of turning this type of wood, you just have to go for it and watch and listen to the wood. Some woods are better for "HOLEY" turning than others but I like the challenge!

I let the chunk of wood determine the shape of the maple piece, as it was fat on one end so that is how I turned it! It has lots of depth, color, worm holes and just about everything else! I am happy with it, the sides are about 3/16" thick on the maple and a little thinner on the other ones.

Thanks for all your comments and praise,


Wayne Leach
08-04-2009, 10:06 PM
Very nice and interesting works. Really like the Catalpa HF and am amazed how you kept the wormy butternut one in one piece? Is it still considered a HF if you caan see thru it?
Good stuff,

Bernie Weishapl
08-04-2009, 10:51 PM
Jeff those are great looking pieces. I really like #3.