View Full Version : Herd of Zebra Stoppers

gary Zimmel
08-03-2009, 1:23 PM
Good Day to the Turners side of the Creek.

Last time I was at my wood guys place I found a little piece of Zebra wood.
To small to use in a flat work project so I decided to make stoppers out of it.
Ended up with a small herd of them....


As my wife keeps giving them away I wanted to make little stands for them.
They had to be quick and easy to make but would still show them off.
This is what I have come up with.


Just about time for another order of the stainless steel bottoms from Ruth.
The way my wife Geri is firing these out the door I should order them 50 at a time....

Thanks again Steve S. for the post on your stoppers awhile back.

Got me into this crazy turning world.
I have found that by making the stoppers I am slowly learning how to turn.
And if something does go bad the stopper just ends up a little smaller.
The more I do this the more I understand this vortex.

Hope everyone had a little shop time this weekend.


dennis kranz
08-03-2009, 1:55 PM
Good looking stoppers and stands. Any Zebrawood stoppers I ever made where usually one of the first to go. And they are fun to make.

Bernie Weishapl
08-03-2009, 5:56 PM
Great looking stoppers and stand. Those sell out the fastest for me.

Steve Schlumpf
08-03-2009, 6:01 PM
Ha Ha Ha - getting deeper and deeper into the vortex! Great looking stoppers! Love the grain on those - so I can understand why they move so fast!

Let your wife know that people actually pay money for those things and have her start doing sales for you! My wife is the best when it comes to selling my turnings!

James Carmichael
08-03-2009, 6:06 PM
Very nice, though the post title had me anticipating something from Animal Planet.

Jim Barrett
08-15-2009, 3:26 PM
Nice looking stoppers....my problems is once we open a bottle of wine....we drink it!!


Walt Caza
08-24-2009, 9:03 AM
Hi Gary,
Sorry to come to your Zebra party late...
this thread musta snuck right by me.

Terrific variety in sweet looking wood!
Glad to see you are turning and learning...
and glad you are having fun.

Thanks for giving us a peek,

ps I gotta try these...

Ken Fitzgerald
08-24-2009, 9:09 AM

Like Walt, I don't know how I managed to let these slip by!;

Very nice stoppers and yup....that's why it's called the Vortex!

They are fun...easy and they sell well or make nice gifts.