View Full Version : A Problem With using The LDD Solution

Dave Ogren
08-03-2009, 12:07 PM
Here is a problem that I had not ever read about in any of the threads about using the LDD solution for soaking bowls.

I have been using 4 softball sized rocks to keep them submerged in the LDD. Last week the 4 rocks were not heavy enough to keep them under the surface. The closest thing that I had was a sledge hammer head (8#). It had a little discoloration, light brown , slight rust. It worked fine as far as the weight to submerge goes but a few days later, I was adding some more bowls and removing a few. That was when I saw the bowl that was in contact with the head was discolored black where it was touching. Part of the head had a build up of some kind of black slime, quite thick, more than a 1/4". There must be some sort of reaction to the LDD. I just wanted you to know about it.
I appreciate all of your postings that I learn from and wanted to pass this on so it doesn't happen to any of you.

Thanks again and keep up the good work,


Greg Just
08-03-2009, 1:18 PM

I use the LDD method in a 5 gallon bucket. First, I clamp a 1x4 across the top of the bucket, then push the bowl down into the LDD with a stick. After I get everything stablized, I clamp the stick to the 1x4 and leave the bowl submerged for 24-48 hours. I never have and discoloration problems.


Bernie Weishapl
08-03-2009, 6:04 PM
My brother did the same thing except his sledge didn't have a handle so he put it in a ziploc bag.

Brian Novotny
08-03-2009, 7:00 PM
I would guess that even among the same species there are vast differences in what one piece can tolerate and what ruins another....I've heard something about that black sledge before, I was told that it was so strange that it was hard to believe that a piece would do that, but I'm guessing the black sludge is a survival mechanism, or possibly an immunity developed...who knows. I think it was resolved with a visine bottle full of goo gone...but maybe this is something totally different.

Reed Gray
08-03-2009, 11:28 PM
Umm, I think that is rust, or oxidation. Water and iron = rust. Some concentrated lemon juice will take it out, maybe a day of soaking the spot. Pour in enough to cover the spot and leave it. I use a bar-b-que grill that is stainless, and some lead weights on that. Putting it in a baggie would do as well.
robo hippy

Dave Ogren
08-06-2009, 11:32 AM
Thanks, Guys, I really appreciate your information. Once again "The Creek" comes through with the right information.

I am using a barrell that chlorine for pools comes in (the 100 lb. size) I am sure I have a piece of stainless perforated metal that will fit and then put the rocks on it.

Thanks again.
