View Full Version : Some Maple HF's

Steve Frederick
08-02-2009, 7:00 PM
These are from a downed tree that I found while camping in the Adirondacks..
Both were pretty punky, lots of thin CA here!
The first is about 7" by 3" high. Finish so-far is five coats of wipe-on poly.
The second is about 7" by 6" high. Once I got into it, I saw the irregular nat-edge develop. Finish is Shellac. I'll Beale Buff both in a few weeks.

Gary Conklin
08-02-2009, 8:13 PM
Steve these both look great. I can't even begin to pick a fav. The natural edge has a great form, but the other has outstanding color and finish. Well done. Steve how did you get the uneven lip on the NE form?

John W Dixon
08-02-2009, 8:15 PM
Steve, very nice. I think my favorite is the first one but just barely. Very very nice.


08-02-2009, 8:45 PM
Steve, those are fantastic. i wouldn't buff those, but that is just me.
they are great as they are.


Harvey Ghesser
08-02-2009, 9:13 PM
Just beautiful, Steve!

Steve Schlumpf
08-02-2009, 9:43 PM
Steve - very nice work on both of these! The NE is really cool because of the uneven opening, bark and all the different markings in the wood. The more traditional form is equally as nice in that the sapwood plays off the rich colors of the heartwood. Real nice curl also!

On finishing - I can see keeping the NE form with more of a flatter sheen - just seems fitting of the bark and NE. The traditional form I would buff out and give it a glass look to highlight the colors and the curl.

Nice. Really nice.

Chris Rae
08-02-2009, 10:13 PM
I like those very much! My favorite is the natural edge one, that one is just really cool looking. It looks like a different bowl from every angle. Great job on some great wood.

Bernie Weishapl
08-02-2009, 10:53 PM
Steve those look great. I really like the second one with the uneven opening. Well done.

Wayne Leach
08-02-2009, 11:00 PM
I would have to echo all those who commented already. Wonderful work.