View Full Version : cherry hollwo form - critique?

Mike Minto
08-02-2009, 6:11 PM
or, 'hollow form'. here's my latest, the white diamond i used after the tripoli compound shows much more in the photos than in person - is there a substitue i can use that is darker? it does polish finer than tripoli, but showing like this is terrible. i'll try to get it out of the pores it's showing in, or color it somehow. about 10" x 3". mike :mad:

Dennis Ford
08-02-2009, 6:56 PM
Very nice wood, the white diamond seems to be most visible in the bark areas. If you are going to buff with white diamond it is probably better to fill the pores (hindsight is easy!). In this case I think making the form smaller and cutting off the bark areas would have been better (or possibly making the form larger and having voids with bark edges).

Mike Minto
08-02-2009, 7:17 PM
dennis, i appreciate the comments. the places with the holes/defects are pith/with worm damage, not bark. i turn alot of wood endgrain to maximize size, as with this one, so my things often include some pith. mike

Dennis Ford
08-02-2009, 7:33 PM
After re-reading my post, it sounded pretty critical. The hollow form is nice and it is clear you spent some time and thought making it. The dark areas do look like bark though. ;)

George Guadiane
08-02-2009, 7:38 PM
I like this shape! I have a tall version I am about to post. I get heat for it on other sites, but I like sharp edges like this.

Richard Madison
08-02-2009, 7:52 PM
Pretty impressive hollowing (or hollwoing) up under the top, Mike. Dunno about the white stuff. Maybe a rotary carving tool, applied with great artistry?

Mark Hix
08-02-2009, 8:00 PM
I like the form. I bet that upper corner is difficult to get to.

cliff smith
08-02-2009, 8:56 PM
on any pieces i buff with natural edges or bark inclusions have done this too, on these types pieces i just skip the whitw diamond and go to the wax. first time this happened i had a time getting it out.

Steve Schlumpf
08-02-2009, 10:01 PM
Nice work Mike! Very contemporary feel to it! I have turned a few with sharp edges - just to be different and was always surprised at how folks either liked them or seriously disliked them. Didn't seem to be much middle ground! LOL

Nice work - good looking finish! Instead of spending a lot of time trying to get white diamond out of very small inclusions - I would use one of those wax sticks they sell that come in the different wood colors are used for covering nail holes or small dings. Think crayon but in a color that matches the wood. Then all you do is buff it out. Just an option for you to consider.

Bernie Weishapl
08-02-2009, 11:00 PM
Very nice looking HF. I like the form and finish looks good. Anytime I have wood with any voids or open area's I avoid the white diamond in fact most of them I won't buff.

Mike Minto
08-03-2009, 9:12 AM
dennis, don't worry - it's cool, i want folk's critiques/criticism here - no problem. steve, i like the idea about using one of those furniture sticks - i think i'll try one. regarding the sharp corner on this one, i like it, too - have tried to maintain such corner in the past, as in straight from the tool, but my work always seems to need so much sanding that i generally wind up rounding off most crisp, clean edges. i used my sorby hollowmaster with the 3/16" cutter turned so that it was almost pointed back at me to get up into that corner. mike :o