View Full Version : ungaa bungaa... (pics)

Walt Caza
08-01-2009, 12:19 PM
Good Day All,
Up until now, I have always wanted boards of wood.
Now, I am seeking thicker stuff to feed my lathe. (and latest addiction)
Eager to see something spin, I found an 8/4" scrap of ash on the shop floor.
Determined not to return home empty handed, I faceplate mounted it
and got it spinning.

I am a total caveman on the lathe...
unsure what speed, which holding approach, how high to set the toolrest,
etc.. etc..
Sharpening and cutting technique are mere rumours for me at this point.
I bought some books, but no time to put my nose in them yet.

Undaunted, I spun a little bowl at 500rpm.
Wolverined my best guess at an edge. (they don't call'em sharpie for nothin')
Rubbed in some carnauba with a small rag.
And in an hour flat, had my first baby bowl. (6x2")

At least I did not come home empty handed, to the one who
was a good sport and greenlighted my new toy.
She, of course, loved the little bowl. (I can only shrug)

Thankfully, I set the bar very low...
this should be an easy act to follow!

Instead of champagne wishes and caviar dreams...
I've got burl wishes and hollowform dreams.
I guess I am rocketing into the ole Vortex...

I know it is a pretty tame first kick at the can,
but I enjoyed it, and can only go up from here!
The only thing I know, is that I don't know anything about turning!
Oh ya, plus... my number one workshop rule: bleeding sucks.
be well,

Ken Fitzgerald
08-01-2009, 12:29 PM

Nice first bowl. Date it and sign it.

Keep at it!

Bill Bolen
08-01-2009, 12:39 PM
Excellent first bowl! From your pic's I'd say you have all the equipment necessary to get realllllly addicted to turning. You must have jumped on the deal from CSUSA on the Nova lathe!? If possible find and go to a meeting of a local turning club. Hands on help is great. If you can't manage the time for a club then try UTube. There are a bunch of turning video's posted. Just watch out for the kook's with dangerous techniques. I'mtold the Bill Grumbine video is one of the best out there on bowl turning. Congrats on the fine bowl and the great tuning rig...Bill..

David Christopher
08-01-2009, 12:47 PM
Walt, nice bowl....as long as youre having fun thats all that matters

Gary Herrmann
08-01-2009, 1:18 PM
Oh and you thought flatwork was addicting. Just you wait.

Very nice first bowl, btw.

Ken Glass
08-01-2009, 2:00 PM
That could be you 21st bowl. Very nice form and tool work. I might add it looks as though you are not a novice in the shop. The tape on you Forstner bit for marking bowl depth, lets us know you are not even remotely a novice in the shop. Well Done. Keep em coming.

Chris Rae
08-01-2009, 4:32 PM
What a great little bowl for your first one! I would never have guessed it was your first if I didn't know. Nicely done, you're hooked now, no turning back, only deeper :D

Steve Schlumpf
08-01-2009, 4:53 PM
Walt - that is a very impressive first bowl! Nice classic form, great finish and I don't see any tear-out - which I find amazing for a first! Nice work!

Don't think you are going to have any problems with this turning stuff! Have fun with it and when you decide to get into hollow forms - consider a road trip to the U.P.!!

Harvey Ghesser
08-01-2009, 5:44 PM
That's a beautiful little bowl, Walt! Congratulations! Very nice!:)


Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2009, 5:52 PM
That is a great first bowl. Date it and sign it as Ken said. In a year or two compare where you are at. You will be amazed.

Gary Kvasnicka
08-01-2009, 5:58 PM
Great bowl! Looks like you are hooked.:D

Mark Hix
08-01-2009, 8:00 PM
Great looking bowl. Does the wife get it? (like we really have a choice!)

Brian Novotny
08-01-2009, 8:18 PM
Nice first bowl.

Very nice work. I am 99.99% self taught too......if books don't count......that also applies to my college degree:rolleyes: