View Full Version : the perfect kiss... (with pics)

Walt Caza
08-01-2009, 11:36 AM
Good Day to the Creek,
Now that I am near the end of my Morris chair adventure, (projects forum)
I can start giving my first woodlathe some attention.
She seems to want all my time, and all my money...
and drifts into my thoughts anytime my head slows, while away from the shop.

I wanted full features in a compact machine.
I looked at the big mustard, but it was more than my space in the loft shop,
and my weak skills could justify at this time.(and it looms scary)eek
I am tired of finding a forklift to hoist machines up top. (as per my album)

This mid-range spinner has bounced around the globe.
A company from New Zealand, has them built in Taiwan, on a boat to a dealer in
West Coast Canada, on a truck 2500 miles to a freight terminal,
than a couple more hours on another truck down the highway to me.

Many phonecalls and delays, the highlight of which was a kind lady on the telephone
who finally told me that a train had derailed.
That is either the coolest customer service lie I have ever been told,
or a pretty good excuse if it was true. (the big lies are more likely to be believed?)
I had no luck snooping it out, to determine if my machine was on that train, or just affected with delays down the line. shrug

I was lucky enough (supportive wife) to start off with a pretty good kit.
I opened sooo many boxes, it was like Christmas in July.
Which was most welcome, as we skipped Christmas at my place this year,
due to many unfortunate occurences, strung together like tree popcorn.
(wife took a severe work injury and I was pallbearer 3 times in a row back to back)whew

I am thrilled to finally have a lathe.
I turned one bowl in highschool, on an ole General Canada green monster,
with dull tools, too much sandpaper, and little guidance.
It was the most fun I ever had (yawn) with my clothes on!

I love woodworking tools and machines, but really am
much more interested in the work.
I am familiar with all the various pros and cons and views of the XP.
I did my homework for a looong time, and am comfortable with my selection, and confident I bought the right machine for me.

See you 'round the vortex forum,
dizzy and broke but smiling,

ps my credit card is still smoking, and we've only just begun. yeehaw

alex carey
08-01-2009, 11:57 AM
Congrats on the lathe. Lets see some work with it soon.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-01-2009, 12:01 PM
Congrats Walt! There's a lot of happy owners of that lathe! I'm sure you'll like it too.

Steve Schlumpf
08-01-2009, 12:02 PM
Congrats on you new lathe Walt! Great to see that you have already put it to the test! Looking forward to seeing some of your turnings real soon! Have fun!

Gary Kvasnicka
08-01-2009, 12:15 PM
Welcome to the vortex. You are going to love the DVR-XP, I have a DVR-3000 and enjoy it very much. Your table saw probably will become a table to hold turning stuff.
I originally started turning to make some furniture legs, I have turned pens, bowls, pepper grinders, etc. but not any furniture legs yet. I finally uncovered my table saw and ripped some strips to build a kayak with my daughter ( see my blog ). I don't have room to turn until the kayak is finished.
Let me know how you like the legs you got with the lathe, I built a stand for mine...I thought I would save money, I ended up spending almost as much not including the time.
Looking forward to seeing some of your turnings.

Joe Mioux
08-01-2009, 12:20 PM
Walt, congrats on the new lathe. You will love the Nova. It looks like you got all the "bells and whistles" on it as well!!!

happy turnings.

Bill Bolen
08-01-2009, 12:47 PM
Congrats on your new toy! And I think you saved yourself a bunch of trouble starting off with a top-of-the-line machine right off the bat. Welcome to the vortex. There is plenty of room down here for everyone...Bill..

Ken Glass
08-01-2009, 2:14 PM
The Vortex, she is deep and wide. She will take your money, but she will also give back. You sound as if you are already in plenty deep. Enjoy what will undoubtedly be one of your best experiences ever. Welcome!! Thanks for sharing.

John W Dixon
08-01-2009, 2:56 PM
Sheesh Walt, I feel like I know you personally as I just finished reading your Morris chair thread front to back last night. I think I would like to do one of them someday.

Congratulations on your lathe purchase, I'm sure it will serve you well.


Chris Rae
08-01-2009, 4:28 PM
Congrats, I'm sure you'll love it! Looking forward to your first turning pics.

Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2009, 6:16 PM
Congrats Walt on the new Nova. No doubt in my mind you will love it. I have had mine now for 2 1/2 yrs and love it.

Alan Trout
08-01-2009, 6:33 PM

Very nice setup. You are going to enjoy it. I know that I have enjoyed mine.


Brian Novotny
08-01-2009, 8:25 PM
Your table saw probably will become a table to hold turning stuff.

It wouldn't be so funny if I hadn't seen it myself....I sold mine a week ago, and it was buried in rubble:D