View Full Version : The pressure is on.

Toney Robertson
08-01-2009, 6:41 AM
I received another commission but this one is for a fairly large NE bowl out of Red Mallee Burl. The wood itself is costing right at $200. I am used to using free wood and now this!!

I don't know if I will be able to turn on the lathe.

Any advice other than "Don't screw it up."?


Harvey M. Taylor
08-01-2009, 8:01 AM
Toney, whatever you do dont screw it up. Kudos on the commission, Max

Jeff Nicol
08-01-2009, 8:04 AM
Toney, The thing about Red mallee is that it is hard and will hold together well throughout the turning process. It is also heavy and dense and tend to have some brittle attributes also. We all have faith in you by what you have shown us in the past. Just treat it like a treasured member of the family and that TLC will let you get the job done! Have fun and keep us posted on the progress with pictures!!

Start slow and study the wood as you turn to make sure nothing is hidden inside that could cause trouble. If it starts to stress you out, step back do something else for a bit then return with a fresh mind. You will win the battle O'Great turner warrior!!

Have fun,


Ken Fitzgerald
08-01-2009, 9:25 AM

You are right. The pressure is on.

The most difficult turning I've done has been for other people. Whether it was the spindles for a ship's wheel or knobs for someone's furniture project.

When it's destined for someone else....when they provided the wood/materials. Usually it's be gratis work for another Creeker but last fall it was commissioned work for a friend of one of my DILs.

Hang tough....You can do it.

Steve Schlumpf
08-01-2009, 5:15 PM
Toney - congrats on your commission! Wish I could offer some advice on the project but I have never turned any of that wood! I have faith in your abilities and look forward to seeing the photos once it is completed!

Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2009, 5:57 PM
Toney congrats on the commission. I know there is pressure but when I have a commission I try to put it out of my mind and turn it as if it was for me. Of course we are our own worst critics. Give it a go Toney. We have faith in you.

Curt Fuller
08-01-2009, 7:39 PM
In addition to 'don't screw it up', don't screw up you hands and knuckles. The natural edge on Mallee burl is just like a rasp and can really take the hide off you hands in a hurry.

Looking forward to pics.