View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
07-31-2009, 7:34 AM
Friday July 31, 2009


Well, it's back to the routine after a great weekend seeing some beautiful scenery and a visit with a friend and fellow "Creeker" Tyler Howell. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=117178

We've had some much needed rain around here in the past couple of days and the temps remain unseasonably cool, which is fine with me. Lows in the 50's and highs in the mid to upper 70's is perfect as far as I'm concerned.

I hope to finish up my dust collection for my CMS this weekend and start a couple of more flag cases as well as do the preliminary layout of a project to cover the 12" vent tube above our stove.
Weather is supposed to be rainy, so it'll be a good day for the shop.

What's going in your neck of the woods? Hope you have a great weekend and have a good time doing whatever, just be SAFE.


alex grams
07-31-2009, 9:15 AM
Got a brisket thawed out and rubbed down to put on tomorrow morning at 6am, and am going to spend the day finishing caulking trim in the living room from reflooring it.

I also need to make walnut t-molding for transitions from the new floor to the other rooms' flooring. I have the wood, so either spend 5$ a linear foot to buy it and not have a close match, or just make it myself with wood I already have. I'de rather spend a half day and save 300$.

Dan Gill
07-31-2009, 9:36 AM
I'll be doing a general shop clean-up. Not the most fun I'll have this year, but it sure needs it.

Rod Sheridan
07-31-2009, 10:06 AM
Well, it's a long weekend however I doubt if I'll get much woodworking done.

Funeral to attend for my best friends mother, need to get Diann's motorcycle back together, and then there will be the normal household stuff like cleaning, laundry etc.

Regards, Rod.

Matt Meiser
07-31-2009, 10:12 AM
We've got a bunch of family coming to town this evening until Sunday. Maybe Sunday evening get started on some kitchen work.

Jim Rimmer
07-31-2009, 4:28 PM
LOML is gone for few days so:
1. Install new (used) fence on TS
2. Cut up some scrap wood fence materials for birdhouse kits for the grandkids
3. Glue up a box I'm working on and start finish
4. Fix sprinkler in flower beds
5. Try to stay busy so as not to miss the wife so much

Jim Watts
07-31-2009, 4:56 PM
Going to an auction (http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/auctionview.cgi?lid=656066&kwd=&zip=26354&category=0). Looking at Grizzly lathe, planes, handsaws, maybe a generator.

Von Bickley
07-31-2009, 4:59 PM
Normal yard work on Saturday and heading to Gatlinburg TN on Sunday. I hope to find some cooler weather around the Gatlinburg area. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
07-31-2009, 9:24 PM
Continue on tiling the bathroom....maybe drive to Spokane and pickup the LOML.

I've been batching it since mid-June with a 10 day break in there somewhere.

If you have a couple of hours I tell you how much I hate my own cooking...I can also tell you how much I like the Mexican restaurtant I just left .....and their Dos XXs..on tap...:eek::D

Sorry Karl...no Old Style out here.

The LOML called me last night from Virginia Beach..."Guess what I'm doing?" was her opening line. The witch was holding and rocking our new great-grandson and rubbing it in that I wasn't! Then she called this morning....."The kids want to go to the beach.......I volunteered to babysit little Jason" .......GRRRRRRR!

I'll still be glad when she gets home tomorrow. It has been a lonely summer and I miss her!

Bill Clifton
07-31-2009, 11:01 PM
Going to Louisville and complete my son's kitchen window project.

He bought a house that had storm windows but no real window above the kitchen sink. I bought him (I didn't have the time to make) 2 fixed windows (correctly called sashes?). I installed those last trip.

I brought the storm windows home, stripped, primed, reglazed them and top coated them. Tomorrow they get reinstalled.

Assisting me will be my wife and mother.

Rich Engelhardt
08-01-2009, 7:22 AM
We just aquired another project house.
The previous owner covered a wall w/cork panels.
The HF multi function tool got an hour workout last night & is looking at getting an 8 to 10 hour one today.

Tomorrow gets better.:rolleyes:

I have to jack up a 50 year old garage, replace one of the sill plates that rotted away and use a pair of come alongs to rack it back into square.

Sounds like fun, eh?

Trust me - this is the second one I've done & it's actually kinda fun - in a wierd sort of - "I made it! The thing didn't fall on my silly head!" kind of way.

George Sanders
08-01-2009, 7:26 AM
Going on a rust hunt. A town not far away is having a townwide garage sale. I'll be on the lookout for some old chisels.

Jim Becker
08-01-2009, 6:27 PM
Saturday is/was some barn time, cleaning out the tack trunk and riding Elvis after the younger had her lesson. 'Being lazy now 'cause it's very sticky out and that's bringing a distinct lack of motivation to do more weeding and other things that need done.

Sunday is the older's 14th birthday. (Help!!!) So we'll have to endure an over stuffed day "celebrating". At least I already got the work done to lock down her new iPod Touch so that she can't get access to inappropriate things... ;) We hope.