View Full Version : oscillating sander jig needed

Carey Haynes
07-30-2009, 1:30 PM
Has anyone made a jig for an oscillating sander (i.e., Rigid) for sanding small boards (up to 4" by 24") flat, in the same way one would joint a
board on a joiner?

I have made up some boards from scraps, that have grain running in all
directions, and need to flatten them on one side before planing them to
thickness. Don't have access to a drum sander.

Thanks for any replies.

Jason Beam
07-30-2009, 1:39 PM
Sorta - i did it the other way, though - and it worked for both sides of the stock i used...

I made a 90* corner (my first practice hand-cut dovetails, actually) and clamped it to the table the distance from the spindle I wanted it to be. I was working with stock about 3/16" square off the bandsaw and wanted to clean up the surfaces nicely. I put it just a hair under the thickness at first and ran the pieces through a couple times. Then I tapped it a bit closer and did it again. repeated until the saw marks were removed on one face. Then I flipped 'em and tapped the "fence" closer and ran them all through until the marks on the opposite face were gone.

These were really thin strips of curly maple and didn't really need to be super straight, just flat enough to glue into the rest of project. Worked fantastically and may well be more delicate than a drum sander would be on such small pieces.