View Full Version : spaulted box elder critque

curtis rosche
07-29-2009, 8:35 PM
here is some spaulted box elder i got from a local turner. this is from that peice that was unbalanced. i figured out the problem. i was roughing the whole log section at the same time. so it was making it act more unbalanced. when i parted the log in half to make these 2 peices the unbalance went away.

because it is very spaulted this wood tears out alot. and you cant sand it all out otherwise you end up with a peice that is no longer round

alex carey
07-29-2009, 11:24 PM
I love the wood, too bad it can't be sanded all the way. The box is pretty cool, like the form, nice to see that you matched the top grain with the bottom grain, not really into the vase though, it seems the bottom is just as wide as the top if not more wide. That doesn't really do it for me. Shape just seems off.

Also, it looks like you need to work on the bottom if possible.

Steve Schlumpf
07-29-2009, 11:38 PM
Sure is some pretty wood Curtis!

I agree with Alex that you did a fine job on the box - especially keeping the grain aligned between the body and the lid.

The shape of the vase can use some adjusting. Have to think it would look better if the rim was about 1/2 the diameter it is now. Best thing I can recommend is for you to do a Google search on vases and study the various shapes. See what does - or doesn't - appeal to you and go from there.

Jarrod McGehee
07-30-2009, 3:13 AM
I like the box. and the color on it is quite nice.

Bernie Weishapl
07-30-2009, 10:34 AM
Great looking box Curtis. Like how the wood matches on the lid and body of the box. The wood in both is really nice. I agree I would have made the neck and top smaller. You did a nice job on them.