View Full Version : dull wood, shiny wood

Mike Minto
07-27-2009, 12:50 PM
i turn alot of cherry, and have noticed that occasionally a piece just doesn't polish up / shine as much as most pieces do; just stays a little dull - you guys ever get this effect on your turnings? what kind of wood does this happen to with you? mike

Steve Schlumpf
07-27-2009, 4:53 PM
Mike - I've had that happen a few times but later realized that I had orientated the wood so that I turned it end-grain - and we all know how end-grain can suck in the finish!

Mike Minto
07-27-2009, 6:21 PM
steve, yes it sure does. most of what i turn is end grain, i'm trying to maximize the size of the turning i get from my wood. maybe i just need to flood some pieces with more finish! will try some different oils soon. mike