View Full Version : A few new pieces

Chris Hayes
07-26-2009, 10:28 PM
Hi All --

I appreciate the comments you all gave on the pine piece that I posted about 10days ago. After a week's vacation and almost no internet service in the DC metro area -- I thought I might share what I've done in the last couple of weeks...

The first four pictures are a bowl/bucket that has special meaning to my neighbor. This natural edged 10 in x 8in x quarter to half inch thickness apple piece was from a tree her dad planted when her parents moved into the house she grew up in. The tree died this spring and they were just going to use the wood for fire wood. As they've seen me playing in the shop since I started (and every bad thing I made when I started --and still said encouraging words), I asked if they'd cut me a few logs where they thought they could get something interesting. This section of the trunk is where a branch started, died, and never quite healed properly. The interior gave me a total run for the money on whether or not this would stay together. It's shape is fairly bucket like because I was more worried about keeping the piece together and being able to give something back -- but I like the sort of mural the wood grain did here. This is finished with several coats of BLO (the wood just soaked this up) and a matte lacquer. -- My neighbor absolutely loves this and her Mother wanted to know if I wanted to be paid for it (which would never have crossed my mind given how much help they've been with our kids since they've been born...this was a treat for me to do in return).

This second piece came from another neighbor's tree. It's Bradford Pear and is an end grain turn. I was trying to get this to be more of a hollow form than bowl, it kind of falls somewhere inbetween. I've been playing with this gumball on a pedestal for a while now and this is as close to it as I've gotten. There's something about the grain on this Bradford that almost screams 'ball' but the wood says "No -- I'm a tree and that's all I'm going to be...Here watch me dull your tools and explode when you don't expect it". I like the challenge (I know..serious DUH here) of getting this wood to do what I want...I just wish I'd figure it all out consistently! This too is finished with a few coats of BLO and a semi-gloss lacquer. The whole bowl-lo-form is about 6 inches tall by 4 inches in diameter and I'm happy to say my first at a consistent quarter inch thick (which is REALLY an achievement for me).

David Christopher
07-26-2009, 10:33 PM
Chris, both pieces are beautiful and Im sure your friend will love it

Chris Hayes
07-26-2009, 10:42 PM
This third piece I made Friday night. I have zero idea what the wood is. The best I can say is that it smelled like toast when I turned it, was extremely hard on my tools (I sharped more than I've done on that apple bucket), and has no grain pattern that I could discern -- basically it was a mystery wood. This is about 6 inches in diameter, about 4 inches high, and the walls are about 3/8ths of an inch thick. I finished it with Tung and lacquer -- my favorite finish. It wasn't until I was taking these pictures that I noticed that this bowl smiles at you. Well, like my 5 yr old says --"shmirks at you". Still very cool. I guess that is part of the attraction to this piece..it invites you to hold it. Silly as that sounds.

This last piece came off a third neighbor's back yard. They felt bad they were taking down this birch tree last year. But when I spied the logs (before the arborist took it away) I noticed exactly what he did...this tree would have died either this year (2009) or next year (2010). The spalting on this birch is FANTASIC...I've gotten some great pen blanks from it so far. This was the first hollowform that I attempted. If I remember right (I made this back in March) this stands about 9 inches tall, is about 7 inches in diameter, and I honestly don't remember what the thickness was...I think it was kinda chunky, but I can't say for certain. I have zero clue what inspired me on this, but it too (like many of my pieces) is an engrain turn. Finished with Tung and several hand rubbed coats of shellac. I know the logs of this that I have left will be very fun to play with, if this piece was any indication.

As always your comments and critiques are welcome.


Greg Just
07-26-2009, 10:43 PM

the apple piece is beautiful. Did you darken the natural edge? Nice work.

Steve Schlumpf
07-27-2009, 12:10 AM
Nice work on everything Chris! The Apple bowl really stands out! Beautiful rich color and grain! I am sure the folks you gave it to will love it!

Jarrod McGehee
07-27-2009, 1:53 AM
Nice pieces. these are quite nice and I like the smile bowl. that looks really cool. those neat little surprises are cool when you come across them.

Chris Hayes
07-27-2009, 9:33 AM
Believe it or not, that darked totally on its own with a couple coats of lacquer. So the bark would stay put I avoided hitting that with oil as best I could. So what you're seeing is really all natural covered in a nice man made finish. (as goofy sounding as that is)

Joe Mioux
07-27-2009, 9:53 AM
those are really nice

David Drickhamer
07-27-2009, 2:13 PM
Hi Chris.
Looks like you've been busy. Nice stuff. I especially like the apple bowl.
Any more plans on being in town? I could use a good cup of coffee.