View Full Version : Christmas Ornaments

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2009, 7:46 PM
Well I know it is just July but if I don't get with the program and replenish my stock for this coming Christmas it will be the week before and I won't be ready. So this weekend I made a bunch of ornaments, mini birdhouses and a bell. I want to make 3 or 4 more bells although they don't sell as well as the others. Anyway was a fun weekend.

Bill Bolen
07-26-2009, 7:58 PM
Nie job Bernie.Those are all very cool...Bill...

Dahl Troy Perry
07-26-2009, 8:00 PM
Just one question are the ornaments not the bird houses but the round ones soild or are they howeled out ? I my self don't like pictures on this site because my wife gets on here and looks at all the stuff turned and want me to make the same for her I DON"T HAVE TIME TO TURN EVERY THING:eek::eek: mybe I can ban her from this form as if that would work:rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2009, 8:13 PM
Thanks guys. Dahl they are all hollowed out. The first picture the ornaments are 3 piece. I hollow them like a HF and then turn the bottom finial and the top. Glue them and decorate. In the second picture these are also hollowed out but in a slightly different way. I actually saw a demo of this last year at Richmond by Larry Hasiak and doing it this way is rather fast for me. I actually cut them in half, hollow them like a bowl and then glue them back together. After the outside is smoothed and sanded I cut a groove on the glue line and then a couple either side. I burn the lines and then paint in between the lines. Our school color of black and gold sell really well as do the red and green. Those are my best sellers.

Steve Schlumpf
07-26-2009, 8:22 PM
Bernie - you sure have been busy! Great looking turnings! Really like all the color variations in your ornaments! Hope you make lots cause you know how fast they sell!

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2009, 8:40 PM
Thanks Steve. I need to make about 20 more ornaments and 20 or so mini birdhouses so yep will be turning a bunch more.

Harvey Ghesser
07-26-2009, 8:55 PM
Really beautiful turnings, Bernie!:)

Brian Novotny
07-26-2009, 9:04 PM
Just one question are the ornaments not the bird houses but the round ones soild or are they howeled out ? I my self don't like pictures on this site because my wife gets on here and looks at all the stuff turned and want me to make the same for her I DON"T HAVE TIME TO TURN EVERY THING:eek::eek: mybe I can ban her from this form as if that would work:rolleyes:
If you're the administrater account on windows that is a very easy task, just go to control panel. she would need a password just to connect.....TAKE CONTROL!!!!!! Take into account this is coming from probably a lifetime bachelor.....so that's what I'd do, but maybe that's why I'm not married.;)

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2009, 10:12 PM
If you're the administrater account on windows that is a very easy task, just go to control panel. she would need a password just to connect.....TAKE CONTROL!!!!!! Take into account this is coming from probably a lifetime bachelor.....so that's what I'd do, but maybe that's why I'm not married.;)

Dahl I have been married for 42 yrs. I wouldn't even think about doing the above. Naw not a good idea.:D:eek:

Jarrod McGehee
07-27-2009, 1:45 AM
Bernie, Those look really cool! and nothing is wrong with Christmas in July, just the weather. ...a little hot

Keith Spaniel
07-27-2009, 7:16 AM
Nice Ornaments, that like a years worth of work for me..
What brand or type of markers do you use?
All the ones I buy dry out,or wont color. Thanks, keith

Jeff Nicol
07-27-2009, 7:38 AM
Bernie, You now have reminded me that I have to get busy on the ornaments also! I have been selling some of the bird houses every month so the stock in the stores is dwindling. This year I will make more just plain oranaments also, have to come up with some new designs and see how they sell.

Yours all look real nice and the finish is the key to selling these little gems and yours always look good!

Thanks for the inspiration,


Rusty Smith
07-27-2009, 12:00 PM
Nice work there Bernie. I too am curious as to what you use for coloring.

David Walser
07-27-2009, 2:04 PM
...In the second picture the[ ornaments] are also hollowed out but in a slightly different way. ...I actually cut them in half, hollow them like a bowl and then glue them back together. After the outside is smoothed and sanded I cut a groove on the glue line and then a couple either side. I burn the lines and then paint in between the lines. Our school color of black and gold sell really well as do the red and green. Those are my best sellers.

Very cool idea. A couple of questions:

What size blank do you start out with? It looks like the "icicle" is part of the original blank is not turned separately.
What is the blank's orientation, face or spindle? I can't tell from the pictures which what the grain is running in the pieces.

Very nice job on all the ornaments.