View Full Version : Speed Control Problem

Jason Christenson
07-23-2009, 1:25 PM
I'm turning on an old Rockwell/Delta lathe. I am having trouble getting the speed control to hold. Often when I am in the middle of the cut the lever will pop out and the speed will rapidly wind down to almost nothing (I believe with the pulleys I have in there now the minimum speed is about 150 rpm) :mad:. Does anyone know how to adjust this?

The first picture here shows the big adjustment screw and the second show where the hex head screw is that you have to loosen to so you can turn the big one. I've tried many different adjustments and have always had the same problem.

It has just occurred to me that I should take a look at whatever is on the other side.:D

Anyway, if anyone has a similar setup and can offer some advice it will be much appreciated. I'm getting tired of doing all of my turning with one knee holding that lever in.


Paul Atkins
07-23-2009, 3:38 PM
Jason, I have an 'older' Delta too, and the big screw can come loose and make it not work. The set screw holds the bolt tight. Inside there is a collar that might be loose too. I know you figured this out, but the big bolt should be tight. The big bolt looks like a stove bolt on yours, and I would replace it with a hex/hardened one and tighten it down with the handle pulled in the out position after loosening the set screw. There is a brass plug (or should be) under the set screw that keeps the threads from getting messed up. Make one if there isn't one. One more thing, the washer that the handle seats on could be thicker to take up the slop. ( I also don't consider these old lathes as my 1920's lathe keeps up with with them.) Hope this helps.

Jason Christenson
07-24-2009, 8:43 AM
Thanks for the info, Paul. I took it apart last night and found the problem. There was no brass plug. As a result the threads were damaged to the point that the adjusting screw/bolt could not be threaded in tight enough. I found a piece of brass to use as a plug and I'm going in to replace the big bolt today. Problem solved, I hope.


Paul Atkins
07-24-2009, 12:05 PM
That's great. I also noticed that yours does not have a big washer behind the handle. That might be needed too. I think a strong spring washer on the inside next to the collar would be an improvement, but that's just a guess. This is my newest lathe (#7) and I have used it once so far, so I'm not familiar with it. It's a 46-611p. Sort of a cross between my PM90 and the Delta 1460 in some ways. I like the slowest speed too. I ''needed it' like a hole in the head, but there were 30 Robert Sorby tools with it - 4 had been used.

Jason Christenson
07-24-2009, 2:27 PM
Is this the washer you are referring to? Nice "new" lathe by the way.


Paul Atkins
07-24-2009, 6:09 PM
Yeah, it is just a galvanized washer, not very thick. here it is listed on a 46-612 as #227. The paint on the tool rests are not even worn off and no sawdust anywhere. Guess I'll have to break it in.

Jason Christenson
07-25-2009, 8:37 AM
When I got home last night I put everything back together and spent about five minutes adjusting. Then I spent thirty minutes roughing out a nine inch bowl without any problems. :D
