View Full Version : bandsaw question? jet16 or wait?

larry merlau
09-01-2004, 10:27 AM
i have an old atlas 12 with a 1/3 hp that was old when i got it :) now have a buyer for it :D but am asking for your advice or opinions on the jet 16. i think (wood) had an article comparing it with the mm16 and the laquana 16. i was looking to upgrade to a 14 delta but the cost of that would be around $800 for a 14 w/1.5 hp, the jet has a 1.5 hp and 16 inches of capacity. do i go for the jet? or wait till the ship comes in for the mm16. dollars dont grow on trees in my area. thanks for the advice, kinda think that there arent to many buyers looking for a old atlas 12" so i should sell quick :D

Jim Becker
09-01-2004, 12:11 PM
Tough to tell you what to do, Larry. My normal response is that it's better to wait an extra month or three to get what you really want, but sometimes the need for functionality "now" has to win. Ultimately, I think you'd be a lot happier with the heavier machine as I definitely am. But that may not mesh with your immediate needs in the shop.

larry merlau
09-01-2004, 12:46 PM
Tough to tell you what to do, Larry. My normal response is that it's better to wait an extra month or three to get what you really want, but sometimes the need for functionality "now" has to win. Ultimately, I think you'd be a lot happier with the heavier machine as I definitely am. But that may not mesh with your immediate needs in the shop.
well JIM the immediate needs arent to pressing, its just the buyer question? i suppose i could use dads little one till i got another but that as we all know isnt as nice as walking over to the one in our shop. did look at the wilkee brand as well also see that delta has one that appears t be comparable now from the ads anyway.

Greg Heppeard
09-01-2004, 1:03 PM

I own the Jet and am happy with it. I don't use it often enough (lack of shop time). What will the primary use be? I might be able to let you know how it works for that particular use. I've done a little resawing and some other BS work and the Jet performs well.

larry merlau
09-01-2004, 1:12 PM

I own the Jet and am happy with it. I don't use it often enough (lack of shop time). What will the primary use be? I might be able to let you know how it works for that particular use. I've done a little resawing and some other BS work and the Jet performs well.

if it has worked for you it should for me, i just know that 12 inches isnt the same as 14 or 16 and the resawing is something i want get into alittle, and the atlas wont. it looks at me and says where's you gray matter. i answer with, its leaving fast, oh that was the hair i was refering to not brain power. seriously i felt the article was very good and as of right now didnt want to go the extra for the mm16 that so many like here. maybe in the future but not right now. i do believe in gettin the most for what i can spend though.

Greg Heppeard
09-01-2004, 1:26 PM
Just remember the fence and miter guage cost extra. It comes standard with the Euro guides, but they work fine for me.

Tim Sproul
09-01-2004, 1:36 PM

My take on the Jet versus Laguna or MM is this...the Jet is made for ripping to width and can do resaw work if needed. The Laguna and MM are made for resaw work and can rip if needed. The jet has more rip capacity and a lighter frame and less power - designed for ripping since you don't need the tension or power when slicing through 4 inches of thickness or less. The MM has less rip capacity but more resaw capacity, a beefier frame (higher tension on bands...) at the expensive of less rip capacity and more power - designed for resaw work since you need lots of tension and lots of power when sawing through 12+ inches of thickness. Of course, the Jet is much less expensive.

What do you want a bandsaw for? Mainly resaw work? Wait. Mainly to rip boards to width? Get the Jet.

Steven Wilson
09-01-2004, 2:43 PM
the Jet is made for ripping to width and can do resaw work if needed. The Laguna and MM are made for resaw work and can rip if needed.
I'll have to disagree with you Tim. For near TS quality rips on the bandsaw having as wide a blade as possible and better yet, carbide tiped blade is needed. To run a wide blade effectively you need a bandsaw that can tension it and enough mass to provide vibration free platform. You get that in the heavier framed bandsaws like the Minimax, Laguna, Felder, Bridgewood (pro series), etc.; not the light weight saws like the Jet 16". The Jet 16", and similar, is fine withr smaller blades typically used for cutting curves that you're goining to clean up in another process. For accurate ripping and resaw work something more substantial is needed.

Charles McKinley
09-02-2004, 12:04 AM
Hi Larry,

I have the Jet 18" it is an ok saw. With the added cost of the fence and the carter style guides you may want the look at it. If I was buying again I think I would have gotten the Grizly 17" I actually got to look at it and it seems a bit nicer than my Jet. If I was buying now I would look real hard at the Griz 19" they just brought out, I haven't seen it yet. Muncy is about 3 hours from me.

Do you have a shop in your area that can make you blades? I found a shop that can make up Lenox blades much cheaper that the pre-made ones. Longer band jump in price a lot over the standard for the 14" saws.

Lloyd Robins
09-02-2004, 1:12 AM
You might want to check back on past posts. Several people have expressed satisfaction with the Grizzly 17". I am kind of looking at the MiniMax 14" which is in the same price range, and because we don't have a lot of wide or thick stuff to resaw in the California desert. Isn't choice fun? Good luck.

Donnie Raines
09-02-2004, 8:22 AM

I had that saw(the Jet). Sold it real quick. The blade guide assembly is a nightmare to adjust and the saw is really underpowered for its size.

larry merlau
09-02-2004, 10:05 AM

I had that saw(the Jet). Sold it real quick. The blade guide assembly is a nightmare to adjust and the saw is really underpowered for its size.

well i have decided to keep the atlas and wait till the ship comes in ;) and donnie did those guys take all your cherry?

Mark Singer
09-02-2004, 10:24 AM
I had the Jet 18" and sold it...the vibration was terrible....Jet sent me a new one...I sold it and got the Aggazani 20 " with the Lenox blade....I'm done....I love that saw!

Donnie Raines
09-02-2004, 12:09 PM

well i have decided to keep the atlas and wait till the ship comes in ;) and donnie did those guys take all your cherry?

I have sold all the cherry. Sorry I did not notify you.....I have been in the hospital a bit latley with some issues.....feeling good now though.
