View Full Version : Show meet and greet yesterday

Jeff Nicol
07-17-2009, 8:56 PM
Good evening all!

Well the meet and greet with all the emplyees of Wilder Research Center went well yesterday. All of my work was placed on the low file cabinets which made for a great place to look at them and study them from any position they chose to place it in. The light was pretty good and the people were very gracious and happy that I was able to put my work in there area. This is the first show of its kind there with more to come. I sold a few pieces and many others where admired and had to get final approval from their spouses! I got an e-mail today that the large box elder bowl that the lady is holding in one of the pictures sold today! At this rate I will have to get busy and relplace the sold items as the next artist does not show until November! Here are some pictures, the first one shows it before everyone was let loose and then with the crowd, it came in waves of 10-15 people at a time as the made it to the 4th floor, so I think roughly 110 people browsed.



Steve Schlumpf
07-17-2009, 10:49 PM
Jeff - congrats on what looks to be a great show! Hope you are kept busy keeping your stock levels up!

Wayne Leach
07-17-2009, 10:58 PM
Good looking pieces on display. Lots of turners are lamenting the fact that no one iséare buying so you are doing well to make sales.
Good luck,

Bernie Weishapl
07-17-2009, 11:21 PM
Congrats Jeff on what looks like a great show and on your sales.

Roger Wilson
07-18-2009, 10:48 AM
...it came in waves of 10-15 people at a time as they made it to the 4th floor, so I think roughly 110 people browsed...


Did you find that it was mainly women doing the browsing and especially the buying, and is this generally true.

Do you find that buyers are generally older, maybe having more money available to spend on art and craft.

I note that the work all appears to be natural wood color. Have you found that dying doesn't sell or is this simply your preference.

Bill Bolen
07-18-2009, 12:51 PM
Congrats Jeff! Your pic's really give a "feel" for the manner the show was held. Seems low-key with plenty of opportunity to just browse...Bill..

Jarrod McGehee
07-18-2009, 2:32 PM
THE WOODENNICOL!!!!!! there we go man! good stuff and those pieces look good. Nice job on getting your work looked at.

Skip Spaulding
07-18-2009, 4:17 PM
Looks like a very nice, relaxed show with some very nice pieces. The good sales make it even better!

Jeff Nicol
07-18-2009, 10:50 PM
This is a quite different show as it is only available to the people who work in the building and any other clients or government officials etc that come in for meeting and such.

It was pretty even men to women looking at everything. The ages of the people were from their 20's to their 60's. One gal bought a $400 enlarged photo from the other guy showing his work and she was mabye 30-35 yrs old. The first piece that sold was a Box elder bowl that I posted a few weeks ago with the bead near the base and taller than most. The guy that bought it is a well known artist in the St. Paul area and he was enthralled by it! The box elder pieces were the most asked about and people were amazed at all the color and grain and just simple beauty it held! I had some miniatures that are dyed and colored and they were recieved well. I have done other larger dyed works but they have all sold so there were none for the show. All things made with burl or spalted were a hit also. At most of the places I have items anything with a NE will go fast too.

One gentlman came up to me near the end of the meet and greet and said that he was a mediocre turner and was retiring in a year or so and wanted to know how I did a few things. As it turns out he was the president of the organization and was so very gracious and very pleased with everything! It was pretty cool! I will wait and see how fast I need to keep adding new works. My cousin took just about everything she had at her gallery so I have to replace that and keep up with the show! I need a clone.......................or 2!!

Thanks for all the kind words and good luck to all!!


Roger Wilson
07-19-2009, 10:40 AM

The demographics of who buys turnings is always interesting. Most people have so little contact with genuinely handmade objects these days.

Despite the poor economy you are doing really well.

Good luck.

Mark Norman
07-19-2009, 2:25 PM
Glad to see you are doing well Jeff. Keep on turning!