View Full Version : NK Drawer Slide Technique

John Myer
07-16-2009, 5:55 PM
I just read a series of old postings about building drawer slides using a NK technique for building the drawers. Apparently the slide features are built first and then the drawer is completed to fit the slides - with little or no adjusting necessary when completed. So far I have not found a detailed description about this technique. If you know of a detailed article or book that demonstrates this NK technique, please let me know were to find it. Thanks

Frank Drew
07-16-2009, 6:23 PM

If you have access to Fine WoodWorking back issues, in #9 (Winter 1977), Alan Marks has a very good small photo/text tutorial on several different hand-made drawer styles, including the NK (which are the initials of a Swedish store Nordiska Kompaniet).

It's only three pages -- if you can't find the article or another description, I'd be glad to xerox it and send, or fax, them to you.

(Googling nk drawers seems to bring up a lot of hits, including some from here; remember, Google is our friend :D)

And it seems that maybe FWW #150 also might have an article on NK drawers, but I don't have that issue to check.

Brian W Evans
07-16-2009, 9:25 PM
Frank is correct - both FWW issues #9 & #150 have articles on NK drawers. The article in #150 looks like it is entirely about NK drawers. Both articles are accessible from finewoodworking.com if you're a member.

glenn bradley
07-16-2009, 9:52 PM
Subscribers can get to this article which is one of the better ones I have seen: http://www.taunton.com/finewoodworking/SkillsAndTechniques/SkillsAndTechniquesPDF.aspx?id=2730

I was not as enamored with the technique as some folks but is quick once you get the hang of it. I ended up preferring grooves in the drawer sides and matching rails on the carcass sides. Like many things, there is more than one way to skin the cat; try a few methods and find your way ;-)