View Full Version : Hybrivar over USL

Leigh Betsch
07-15-2009, 1:29 PM
I e-mailed Jeff Jewit this question but in case I don't hear from him today I'll also ask it here.
I had some left over Target USL with a dye tint that I like so I used it on another project. I would like to get a wamer look and I'm thinking about top coating it with Targert Hybrivar. Are these two finishes compatable? Anyone have sucess with this combo?

Leigh Betsch
07-15-2009, 3:21 PM
Never mind. Jeff Jewit got back to me. Wait 4hrs, sand to 320, should be fine just do a test panel to make sure.

Larry Fox
07-15-2009, 5:55 PM
Jeff is the man for sure. However, if you want to be doubly sure pop a coat of dewaxed shellac between them after the USL has cured.

Jim Becker
07-16-2009, 8:40 PM
As far as I know, you shouldn't have any issue spraying Hybrivar over USL, but you'd benefit greatly by not using the USL if you want to use the water borne alkyd product for best results. And if you want to be "sure" of no interaction, a barrier coat of dewaxed shellac like Larry suggests will not harm you.