View Full Version : New Hearing Protection

Jason Christenson
07-15-2009, 1:17 PM
Just got these (http://www.amazon.com/AO-Safety-99014-Blockade-Isolating/dp/B001HVC8QU/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1247678188&sr=8-4) from the man in brown. Look forward to using them tonight when I mow the lawn, that is assuming that my new BlackBerry Tour also shows up today.


Chris Friesen
07-15-2009, 1:34 PM
The price is right on those. If anyone reading this is looking for more isolation and better sound quality (at a substantially higher price), check out the Etymotic ER-4P earphones.


Jason Christenson
07-15-2009, 1:40 PM
...check out the Etymotic ER-4P earphones...

Wow, those look nice. I don't think I would have ever spent that much though.


Kyle Iwamoto
07-15-2009, 3:30 PM
I expect a full report first thing tomorrow! Especially if it cancels out the noise from the wife. :eek:

Those do look cool, and very useful. Except for that cord.

Jesse Schauer
07-15-2009, 11:47 PM
I've had a pair of these for a few months now and am for the most part pleased. They are pretty comfortable and don't get in the way of my glasses like regular muffs. I thought the cord might get in the way but if you run them back over your ear and under a shop apron or something they stay out of the way. They don't sound great, but they do the job. They block out the outside noise pretty well though.

The most annoying thing I've found is that I often accidentally hit the volume control buttons when putting them away, only to find that it has muted them when I go to use them again. Pressing either of the volume buttons will cause it come back on again.

I picked mine up from the blue borg on sale.

Jason Christenson
07-16-2009, 8:52 AM
The most annoying thing I've found is that I often accidentally hit the volume control buttons when putting them away, only to find that it has muted them when I go to use them again. Pressing either of the volume buttons will cause it come back on again.

That is very interesting. I couldn't get them to work last night and thought they were incompatible with my BlackBerry, maybe they were just muted. I wish now that I had brought them into work so I could try them again.


Adam Cavaliere
07-16-2009, 10:44 AM
I have the Shure EC3s and use them once and awhile out in the shop. While they do cut down on the noise greatly, I sometimes worry about the wear I am putting on them being out in the shop.

Also just a safety note, be careful not to get them hooked on something and stand up quickly. It is very painful to have them rip out of your ears, especially if you wear them with the cord wrapping around behind your ear first! :eek: I speak from first hand experience!! :rolleyes:

I may take a look at these just because I wouldn't be as upset if I did something to a $30 pair, compared to a $200 pair. Thanks for posting!